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Physical Education Courses


The Physical Education and Athletics Department strives to develop physically educated students. In the pursuit of this goal, the department helps students set fitness and activity goals and guides them through the process of attaining those goals. Through courses required for graduation and through direct instruction, we help students understand their bodies and attain a level of fitness that is healthy and promotes self-esteem and confidence. Our goal is to provide information, in a fun and safe environment, that helps individual students make healthy life choices. Milton expects students to be physically active throughout their educational career.

To facilitate this philosophy, all students in Class IV participate in Health and Project Adventure, a year-long course focused on team-building, trust, and social-emotional learning, and also participate in three seasons of an interscholastic sport, intramural sport, or a Physical Education (PE) course. All students in Class III participate in three seasons of interscholastic sports, intramural sports, or a PE course; this must include one season of Fitness Concepts, a course focused on foundations of nutrition, cardiovascular health, and weight training. Class III students participating in three seasons of sports must take Fitness Concepts in addition. Class I and II students must participate in two of the three seasons. Opportunities also exist for managing a team or seeking an independent course in athletics.

Course Requirements:

Class IV: Students must successfully complete the Project Adventure and Health course.

Class III: Students must successfully complete the Fitness Concepts course.

Students must successfully complete a CPR course at Milton or provide valid certification cards in Adult & Pediatric CPR with AED by the end of the winter season of their Class I year. This course may be taken at Milton as part of a PE season for Class I and II students. Online certifications are not acceptable.
The interscholastic athletic program is designed to challenge athletes at a variety of levels in a myriad of sports. The opportunity for excellence, regardless of the domain, is central to the mission of the school. We expect that athletics, whether interscholastic or intramural, will offer the opportunity to work collaboratively, develop skills, and have fun on the field, court, rink, slopes, or in the pool. Please see the list below for interscholastic and intramural offerings.

An alternative sports program is available to students who wish to pursue an athletic interest not offered at Milton Academy. To be eligible for consideration, a request must meet the following criteria:

  • The program must be in a sport or activity not offered at Milton Academy in any season.
  • The proposed enterprise is sufficiently physical to coincide with the school’s physical education philosophy.
  • The request is for no more than one season per year.

Students wishing to pursue an alternative sports program must submit the request to the Athletic Department. Deadlines for such requests are May 21 for the following fall season (excluding students who are new to Milton, whose deadline is September 14); October 19 for the following winter season; and February 18 for the following spring season. Applications are available from the Athletic Department.

Where staffing, student interest, and scheduling permit, students can pursue the following activities at Milton. An asterisk (*) indicates an activity for which the opportunity for interscholastic competition exists. A pound sign (#) indicates an activity for which there is an intramural (after-school) opportunity. All other offerings are a part of the physical education curriculum during the school day.

Fall Season

CPR (Adult & Pediatric CPR w/AED)


Field Hockey*

Fitness Concepts


Outdoor Education#

R.A.D. Rape Aggression Defense#


Strength Training and Conditioning#



Weight Training#


Winter Season

Alpine Skiing*


CPR (Adult & Pediatric CPR w/AED)

Fitness Concepts

Ice Hockey*

Outdoor Education#



Strength Training and Conditioning#


Weight Training#


Spring Season


CPR (Adult & Pediatric CPR w/AED)

Fitness Concepts



Outdoor Education#



Strength Training and Conditioning#


Track & Field*

Ultimate Frisbee#