Milton’s 1212 actors presented True West, by American playwright Sam Shepard, this past weekend. The story unfolds in a kitchen where two brothers’ dysfunctional relationship is laid bare, reaching a chaotic and rage-filled conclusion. Silvio Rossi (III) played Austin, a successful screenwriter who is housesitting for his mother (played by Charlotte Goddu (I)) while she is away on vacation. His estranged brother, Lee, played by Louie Demetroulakos (II) is a thief and drifter who arrives intent on robbing his mother’s neighbors. Saul, a movie producer played by Sean Chanicka (II), also arrives for a planned visit, adding an unexpected twist.
View photos of the performance.
Performing arts faculty member Shane Fuller says the play was always on his list of potential productions, and the 1212 offered a great opportunity for a play with such a small cast.
“Spending time with the students—focusing so closely on the acting and details of the play—has been fun,” says Shane. “The students helped with decisions about the set, props, and other aspects of the production.”
The tradition of Milton’s 1212 Plays began over 30 years ago in room 1212 of Warren Hall. The performances evolved from play readings to fully staged productions under the direction of the late faculty member Nina Seidenman. When Warren Hall was renovated, and 1212 became an English classroom, the 1212 productions relocated to Wigg Hall. The space may have changed, but the philosophy is the same: intimate productions with small casts, minimal technical demands, and challenging material for both actors and audience.