Controller’s Office
Main Number
The controller’s office develops systems, policies and procedures for the efficient and effective management of the Academy’s financial resources. The mission of the controller’s office is to provide quality service to all customers throughout the Milton Academy community, and to ensure compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). We provide accurate, timely and useful information and analysis to assist departments in achieving objectives that support the Academy’s goals. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to, policy and procedure review, transactions processing, treasury and investment management and financial reporting for internal and external users.
Frequently Asked Questions
Financial Records
Certificate of Sales Tax Exemption for Florida
Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form for Vendor Payments
MA Sales/Use Tax Exemption Letter and Certificate
MA Sales Tax Exempt Purchaser Certificate Form ST-5
Request for Payment or Reimbursement Form
Travel Expense Form
Note: Right click and select “Save Target As…” to save the form to your desktop.
Organizational Information
Policies and Procedures
Milton Academy adheres to a strategic sourcing strategy for procurement to find the best product available at the lowest price and establish strategic partnerships with suppliers to ensure top-notch service. Our purchasing consortium memberships are listed below.
All budget managers are required, as part of their work to get the most advantageous price possible, to review the purchasing consortiums listed below to see if a product or service matching their needs is available through one of the purchasing consortiums.
Purchasing Consortium Memberships
Educational & Institutional Cooperative Purchasing (E&I) (PDF of Supplier Portfolio)
- A not-for-profit buying cooperative established by members of the National Association of Educational Procurement (NAEP), which offers many outstanding contracts to the K-12 education market.
- The cooperative is owned by its membership of more than 2,000 tax-exempt colleges, universities, prep schools, K-12 schools and districts, teaching hospitals and medical research institutions located throughout the US.
- To easily set up an account using your Milton Academy email address, visit Products are searchable by categories or vendor.
Massachusetts Higher Ed Consortium (MHEC) (PDF of Supplier Portfolio)
- A premier purchasing consortium for higher education in New England. There are currently 57 contracts available to members with almost 600 qualified supply partners, including global corporations, New England based companies and small, minority and women owned businesses based in local communities.
- The MHEC Marketplace provides members with a direct link to participating contracted supply partner’s websites. To easily set up an account using your Milton Academy email address, visit
The Alliance for Non-Profit Growth and Opportunity (TANGO) (Informational PDF)
TANGO (The Alliance for Nonprofit Growth and Opportunity) creates partnerships between nonprofit and for-profit organizations to drive innovation, create cost savings, and deliver mission advancement . TANGO, now over 1,300 members strong, brings a wealth of professional knowledge, networking and services to help nonprofit organizations thrive! Membership to TANGO is free to all Nonprofit organizations and there are never any hidden costs to being a member of TANGO! Join today by clicking here!
For a complete list of current member services and providers click here
If you would like more information about TANGO, please call our team at 877.708.2646
Sourcewell (PDF of Supplier Portfolio)
- A public agency serving its members as a municipal contracting agency allowing educational agencies to reduce the cost of purchased equipment and products by leveraging their combined national purchasing power through cooperative efforts.
- Visit for contact information allowing you to work directly with the awarded vendor or the assigned Sourcewell contract manager to review pricing for the various contracts.
- Contact the Business Services and Special Programs office at x2480 for login and password information.
Giselle Sharpe
Senior Accountant
Tuition Billing
Traci Cantwell
Assistant Controller
Marjorie Brazier
Student Allowances, Vendor Invoices/Accounts Payable
Sheila Lucy
Accounts Receivable, Cash Receipts
Paula Connolly
Mary Ricci
Liz Christo
Special Projects Coordinator
Space Planning and Projects, Bookstore, Children’s Center, AccountView
Please note: If you wish to send an email to a staff member, address the email to first name_last
Office Hours
Academic Year | Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. |
Summer | Monday–Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. |
Office Location
The controller’s office is located on the first floor of the Caroline Saltonstall Building.