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Math Educators Conference


The Milton Academy mathematics department hosts a Mathematics Educators Conference on Saturday, March 2, 2019.

The conference goal is to share best practices  based on participants’ talking with each other about exciting ideas. K–12 math educators from public, private, Catholic and charter schools are welcome. We hope that each of you will be able to bring several “nuggets” home to your classroom at the close of the day. Presentations will be short (about fifteen minutes) with time for questions. Some presentations may be technology focused, while others might show an unusual and helpful way of explaining an idea, an open-ended project-based assessment, or a unique lesson plan. We’re sure that something you love to teach would benefit others. Please consider submitting a proposal, along with joining us on that day; however, you may attend without making a presentation. Past attendees appreciated the opportunity to connect with other educators and were energized by new ideas to bring back to their classes. Some of the presentations included: using clothesline math, integrating coding into Geometry, how to use 3D graphing software, and sharing about using vertical non-permanent surfaces (#vpns). We are eager to see what additional connections we can build as we interact across grades K–12.

keynote-speakerOur keynote speaker will be Carl Oliver. Carl Oliver is an Assistant Principal at City-As-School High school in New York City where he oversees the math department, teaches a class, and manages programming for the school. He has spent over 15 years in schools beginning with his undergraduate at Michigan State followed graduate work at Harvard Graduate School of Education and 10 years as a teacher in New York City. He is active on Twitter, as he is a former member of the Global Math Department board, and also a coordinator of the #MathPhoto17 summer photo challenge. He has spoken frequently at NCTM conferences and is currently serving on the NCTM Publishing committee. Carl will talk about the changes that lie ahead in math education, and why the key to that change begins with the relationships between other educators.

Should you have any questions, please contact Heather Sugrue (



Conference Links

2019 Conference
2019 Conference Schedule
2019 Mini-Schedule
Attendee Login

Previous Years’ Schedules

2018 Conference
(cancelled due to snow)
2018 Mini-Schedule

2017 Conference
2017 Conference Schedule
2017 Mini-Schedule

2016 Conference
(cancelled due to snow)
2016 Mini-Schedule
2016 Detailed Schedule

2015 Conference
2015 Conference Schedule

2014 Conference
2014 Conference Schedule