250 works of art were submitted from fifteen New England schools at this year’s Reality and Fantasy New England Art Show. Milton art student Lauren Hawkins (Class III) was awarded “Best of Show” and took first place in the category of sculpture. Izzie Mattia (Class II) received second place and honorable mention in sculpture. Izzie also took home the Reality and Fantasy Award and the Judge’s Award. Randy Ryan (Class I) was presented with the Art with a Social Conscience Award. Randy also placed second in drawing and received an honorable mention in printmaking. Nate Danforth (Class II) finished third in sculpture and honorable mentions were received by Amy Kurzweil (Class I) in sculpture, Adam Walker (Class I) in drawing, Alexandra Rodman (Class II) in drawing, Martha Pitt (Class I) in drawing, and John Denison (Class I) in photography.