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09-02_williams_1New Orleans-native Lorna Williams visited Milton on Tuesday, February 10, to talk with students and attend the opening of her exhibit, Redefining Womb Space, in Milton’s Nesto Gallery.

Inspired by the body as a revealer of life’s mysteries, Lorna Williams continues her voyage and reflection on human figure and place in her current exhibition.  In her words, “My body is central to my understanding of self and the way I communicate myself through my art to others.  It is an instrument that produces the music of my birth place, New Orleans.”

Through a variety of innovative techniques using collage with paper and fabric and carving on wood, Lorna creates figures that are sculptural in their presentation and emotional in their impact. These disparate elements, combined with music, send out a powerful release from the creative core of the artist to the viewer.

Redefining Womb Space exhibits in the Nesto Gallery, located in the lower level of the Science Building, from February 10 through March 6.  The Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  For more information, please contact art faculty member, Anne Neely, at