Respectful Fan Code of Conduct
Just as we expect the players on the field to do their very best, we also expect the same from the fans. This fan code of conduct is designed to set clear expectations and encourage an environment that is enjoyable for all fans. Any fan in violation of these provisions will be asked to leave the athletics event and may, depending on the issue, lose the opportunity to attend future games. For a safe and fun game-day experience, please keep these points in mind:
- Sportspersonlike behavior is expected before, during and after athletic contests both while at the competition site and after the game when commenting in public forums and on social media sites.
- Players, coaches, and fans are all expected to respect the decisions of our athletic officials.
- Be a positive fan. Booing, taunting or deriding a student athlete or fan (from either team) or a game official is unacceptable. Foul language or obscene gestures or messages are prohibited as are signs with profane, abusive, or disrespectful language.
- Interference with the progress of the game (including throwing objects onto the field) is prohibited. Fans should always remain in designated areas and should not enter onto the playing area before, during, or after the game.
- Adults are asked to demonstrate leadership at all times. When participants are injured, during the singing of the National Anthem, in stressful game situations, or dangerous circumstances, we need and expect parents and other adults to model appropriate behavior.
- Individuals may not serve or bring alcoholic beverages on campus, even for personal use (e.g., cans in cozys and solo cups are prohibited). Individuals may also not use tobacco on campus.
- Cars may only park in designated areas and may not block access to roads, fire lanes, or other critical areas; cars in these areas will be ticketed.
- Any fan-related event or gathering that is intended to occur on campus before or after the game (including tailgates) must receive approval from the school in advance. The organizing individual(s) must have a Milton Academy employee sponsor to serve as a logistical point person. Both the event sponsors and the employee sponsor must jointly contact the school’s calendar office ( so that appropriate locations, including parking, can be coordinated and local board of health regulations followed. Advance planning will ensure that other scheduled events can occur concurrently and ensure a safe and fun experience for all.
- Milton Academy is a smoke free campus, including the use of e-cigarettes. Observe the no-smoking regulation in and around athletic venues.