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07-05_johnson_2Principal Rick Hardy announced last Monday that Milton’s new Dean of Students will be Ms. Bridget Johnson. A graduate of Georgetown University, Ms. Johnson comes to Milton from the Episcopal School in Alexandria, Virginia, where she has worked for eight years, the last six as associate dean of admissions. “As the search committee saw for themselves and heard from many of you,” Mr. Hardy said, “Ms. Johnson is energetic, well-grounded, and enthusiastic about working with adolescents.” She has been very active with the National Association of Independent Schools, serving as part of a delegation for diversity to both India and South Africa, participating in the Equity and Justice Call to Action Committee, and presenting at the People of Color Conference. She also contributes to the Georgetown University Alumni Admissions Program. Bridget will join the administration this summer.

Members of the search committee included Ms. Suzanne DeBuhr, Mr. Larry Fitzpatrick, Mr. Brad Moriarty, Ms. Carly Wade, and Mr. André Heard from the faculty, and students Christi Hong and Daniel Abrams.