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09-04_culturefest_1CultureFest—Sunday, May 3, 2009 from 4 to 7 p.m.—celebrates Milton’s diversity: our differences and our connectedness. We share aspects of ourselves so that we can appreciate who we are and who our neighbor is.

CultureFest delights the senses with dancing, food, performances, music, and more. The community’s talent is on display. The Fizgibbons Convocation Center is ringed with booths representing our heritages from around the world and regions of the United States. Flags brightly decorate the booths that display country or regional artifacts and often people add to the color by coming in national dress.

If you are interested in being a volunteer, many opportunities are available, large or small, depending on your skills and interests. We need booth leaders to organize and coordinate the food and offerings as well as help to set up and decorate booths and to prepare food. Choose a cultural group from one of the more than 25 groups that have appeared in past years, or add one of your own. Pull out your grandfolk’s famous recipes, share a traditional dance or play some music. If someone in your family is interested in performing, cooking or decorating, we need you. We’ll need help to staff the ticket booth and to clean-up after the event, also.

For more information contact Heather Flewelling at 617-898-2150 If you live nearby and can come to CultureFest, please join us—the Milton K-12 community of students, families, faculty and staff—while having a good time and great food.