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Over the last few weeks, we hosted the Milton Academy 2023 Department of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice speaker series. The series featured talks from Dr. Howard Stevenson, Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer ’87, and Grace Chan McKibben ’86. Dr. Howard Stevenson discussed how to promote racial literacy in education, health, and community institutions. Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer ’87, executive director at the Interfaith Center of New York, discussed how to overcome prejudice, violence, and misunderstanding by activating the power of grassroots religious and civic leaders of today. Grace Chan McKibben ’86 discussed how to bring communities together and amplify the voices and influence of marginalized communities. To watch the recordings of any of these events, please visit If you participated in any or all of these events and would like to provide feedback, please take a moment to fill out this survey.