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Michael_ThompsonParents work very hard at getting the parenting right. Moms and dads feel quite sure about what their hopes are for their children, but not as confident how to do the best thing “on the ground” as adolescents’ lives play out, day to day. Dr. Michael Thompson, a clinical psychologist, school consultant, international speaker and author of nine books, has 35 years of experience on the issues of children, schools and parenting. He’ll talk with Milton parents on the evening of Wednesday, January 8. Parents at schools across the country find that Dr. Thompson’s messages and his answers to parents’ questions are valuable and on point. He relates to the stresses and challenges parents feel, just as he does to those challenges adolescents confront at every stage of development. He can describe scenarios you will recognize, and support you with guidance grounded both in recent research and long-term experience.  

Life at school is a powerful force affecting children, and parents are often eager to know more about relationships with teachers and adults in their children’s school. What are reasonable expectations parents should have of their children’s school? What kind of support from school do your children deserve? What expectations and best practices should parents themselves use, to optimize the parent–child–school dynamics that help children grow?

Milton invites parents to listen to Dr. Thompson’s presentation, Parenting Well: Are You Feeling Confident?, beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday in Straus Library. He will reserve plenty of time to answer parents’ questions.