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09-02_nfaa_1Dylan Tedaldi (pictured here) has been named a finalist in the modern dance category of this year’s youngArts competition—an annual, nationwide search for artistically talented youth held by the National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts (NFAA). Along with other finalists from around the country, Dylan traveled this month to Florida where he performed, attended seminars, worked with professional dancers and coaches, and met with other young artists.

Every year, the NFAA awards a select group of high school students who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in areas such as performance, music and creative writing. Four other Milton students received recognition from the NFAA in the 2009 youngArts search. Samara Oster earned an honorable mention for her work in spoken and musical theater. Michael Bartley and Caroline Lester both received merit recognition for their creative writing—Michael in poetry, and Caroline for her short stories “Modern Romance” and “Liar.” Lexie Carr also earned merit recognition in the photography category for her digital portfolio submission. Award winners were selected by a panel of professional artists and were chosen from among thousands of submissions. Each student is awarded a cash prize for his or her accomplishment.