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Todd-Bland_2_1Head of School Todd Bland centered the community on three values as he welcomed new students and faculty, and formally kicked off the school year. At Convocation, a traditional ritual at Milton, the head of school and student leaders set the tone for the year ahead. Addressing the community for the first time as Milton’s twelfth head of school, Mr. Bland highlighted unity, kindness and trust. He encouraged the community to celebrate all that makes us beautifully diverse and unique, while also championing all that bonds us together. “Kindness,” he said, “should permeate all aspects of our lives, and express itself through our motto, ‘Dare to be true.'” That means speaking with honesty and conviction, while also addressing every person with fundamental respect. To build trust, he asserted, be who you are and show who you are. “There is no reason to be mysterious,” he said. Be true to yourself and known as who you are so that we might build trust and faith in one another; that is essential to reaching our potential as persons and as a community. At the end of classes today, another tradition is enacted. New students sign the book of the Self Governing Association in Apthorp Chapel, formally joining the student community.