As a Milton Fund volunteer, your role is simple:
- Motivate your classmates to support Milton by sharing your own reasons for giving.
- Provide them with the information, time and support they need to comfortably make a gift decision.
- Stay in touch with your classmates and keep them up to date on Milton news and events.
Follow these steps to make a successful call or email:
Step 1: Prepare
Remember that you are representing Milton. Review “Making the case for Milton” and other resources about the Milton Fund. Be sure that you understand and can explain why the School needs financial support.
Lead by example. It’s easier to ask for a gift if you’ve already made your Milton Fund commitment.
Review your classmate’s history provided to you by the School. Has he or she given every year? Does your classmate have a child at Milton or one who has graduated from the School?
Step 2: Make contact
Introduce yourself and explain that you are reaching out on behalf of Milton.
Thank them for their past support, and acknowledge significant increases or an impressive number of consecutive years giving.
Share your own reasons for giving and ask for their support. Suggest the specific amount, provided to you by the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.
Thank them if they agree to make a gift. If a pledge is made, record the specific dollar amount and staff will follow up.
Listen thoughtfully to any objections. If you do not feel you can address their concerns, put them in touch with your staff liaison in the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.
Have a conversation. Catch up with your classmates, share Milton news and encourage them to attend Milton events.
Step 3: Follow up
Report your results to your staff liaison or in the Milton Fund volunteer site so the alumni & development office can follow up promptly on pledge commitments, refusals, or contact info updates.
Say thank you with a personal note or email as soon as possible.