The Victoria S. H. and Mark R. Graham Scholarship
The Victoria S. H. and Mark R. Graham Scholarship was established by Mark and Vicky [Hall] Graham in 2013 to provide support to Milton Academy students in need of financial assistance. Their generous endowment of the scholarship helps Milton to continue to welcome exceptional students into our community, regardless of their ability to pay, allowing Milton to sustain the vibrancy of our student body.
The Grahams have a long and deep relationship with Milton. Vicky is a member of the Class of ‘81 and served on Milton’s board of trustees from 1996-2013, co-chairing the search committee that brought current Head of School Todd Bland to campus and chairing the Budget Committee for several years. She was also Chair of the Annual Fund Committee from 1997-2000. Vicky and Mark are parents to son, Spencer, Class of ‘18 who lived in Forbes, played lacrosse for Milton and later went on to play for Brown University. Whenever possible, in honor of Spencer’s time on Milton’s Lacrosse team, their scholarship will support a financially deserving student with an interest in lacrosse.
Milton’s ability to preserve its unique identity and develop its students’ intellectual and personal growth requires that we continue to welcome students who will en¬rich our community. The Grahams’ generous gift to Milton ensures that we can provide a wide range of students with full access to the Milton experience. Milton Academy is grateful to the Grahams for their generosity in establishing this scholarship and the countless other ways in which they support our school.
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