On Sunday, May 21, Milton Academy students participated in the Humanities Workshop’s Student Conference on Public Health hosted at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate. The goal of the Humanities Workshop is to show students how key themes prominent in humanities studies—in particular, the importance of empathy and compassion—can be instrumental in working to solve the world’s complex problems.
Urged by a COVID pandemic that has raised immediate concern about the safety and well-being of our school communities and forced us to consider the intersection of health and justice, the Humanities Workshop chose PUBLIC HEALTH/GLOBAL HEALTH as this year’s theme. The conference featured keynote speaker Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, Executive Director of Boston’s Public Health Commission, and showcased students’ learning about public health.
View photos from the event and click on this video below to watch the conference speeches.
Read a write-up about the May 21 event, or visit the Humanities Workshop website to learn more.