John Bisbee, Milton Academy Class of 1984, teacher of sculpture at Bowdoin College, and winner of the New England Rappaport Prize, is a 2009–2010 Melissa Dilworth Gold Visiting Artist. John’s elaborate welded metal sculptures are made of thousands of nails arranged into beautiful patterns and progressions in space. Solo exhibitions of John’s work have taken place throughout the country, in galleries from the West coast through the Midwest to the Northeast. He is in residence at Milton for four days, working with many groups of visual art students to create a large-scale art installation on campus. Students will hear John’s artist’s talk in the Fitzgibbons Convocation Center on Wednesday, May 5 at 9:15 a.m. John’s visit will conclude with an artist’s workshop for the AP Studio Art students at Milton High School. Upcoming exhibitions of John’s sculpture will take place at the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana (2011), and the Coleman Burke Gallery in New York City. John Bisbee is a graduate of Alfred University in Alfred, New York, and the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Skowhegan, Maine.