Emmie Atwood (II) and Yuta Inumaru (I) are the superhero duo of environmental efforts at Milton. Co-heads of the student-led Sustainability Board, the two are leading several projects to make Milton a “greener” place.
The student board’s focus this year is implementing a compost system on campus. They are busy researching costs and local companies, while working with Milton’s facilities department and dining services to determine which method is best for the School.
Emmie says another goal is “making students feel involved and inspired to make sustainable efforts.” Weekly announcements during Monday morning assembly keep their peers informed on the board’s work and remind them about the small, everyday changes that can make a big difference in energy, plastic and water use.
Yuta says they’ve worked hard to remind students of Milton’s single-stream recycling program. Efforts in the dorms include installing more water-efficient toilet flushers. The board donated money from their budget to fund the project.
Emmie’s involvement with the board goes back to her Class IV year, and Yuta was inspired to take an active role after a semester at Milton Academy’s Mountain School Program in Vermont. At the Mountain School 45 Class II students from schools across the country live, study and work together for a semester on an organic farm.
“At the Mountain School, I felt my connection with nature and my own responsibility to take care of it,” says Yuta.
The two are looking forward to tackling more issues and preparing for the Green Cup Challenge later this winter, when schools nationwide compete to decrease their energy use in campus buildings.