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Dr. Linda (Linde) Eyster, a science department faculty member, has been named “Science Educator of the Year for Norfolk County” by the Massachusetts Association of Science Teachers (MAST).

Linde was cited for her many contributions to science education. She earned a master’s degree in biology from the University of South Carolina and doctorate in biology from Northeastern. She has been a science teacher at Milton Academy since 1990. She is the recipient of a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching. Linde is also profiled in “Who’s Who Among American Teachers.” She has presented workshops at state and national conventions. She served as academic director for a month-long institute for middle and high school teachers held by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation at Princeton. She currently serves as vice president of MAST and has been a member of the National Science Teachers Association Committee on High School Science Teaching. She is the author of articles in scientific and science education journals, and has been a reviewer for National Science Foundation programs for teachers.

Nomination criteria for this award include a history of active, contributing membership in national, state and/or local science teacher organizations, a leadership role in promoting and advancing the cause of quality science education amongst peers, and active in promoting and advancing the cause of quality science education among students.

Linde accepted the award, an engraved plaque, during the annual meeting and convention of the association, which was held in Worcester, Massachusetts, November 3-5.