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The jury of artists selected many Milton Academy students for awards at the 2002 Art with a Social Conscience exhibition hosted by Milton Academy April 20 and 21. Over 350 works of student art from 19 independent and public high schools were shown in the Robert Saltonstall Gymnasium. Themes of identity, diversity and justice inspired the 300 works. The students, from grades nine through twelve, used a variety of media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, ceramics and photography. The show was juried by professional artists, Stan Grossfeld, associate editor at the Boston Globe; Laura Blacklow, author of New Dimensions in Photo Processes (Focal Press); Tim Hamill, a painter, printmaker, teacher and the owner and director of the Hamill Gallery of African Art; Elizabeth Awalt, a painter who focuses on nature and the landscape; and Ken Hruby, a sculptor who explores the relationship between the soldier and society.

Nicholas Tarisai (II) took home 3 judges awards, won third place award in the sculpture category and won best of show for his sculpted head. Dan Evans (I) took home three awards; a third place prize in the drawing category and a second place prize and honorable mention in the painting category. Judges’s awards were given to Whitney Meza (II), Lyh-Hsin Lam (II), Jennifer Chang (II), and Tze Chun (I).

Drawing: Hon. Mentions went to : Kika Pyclik (III), Rachel Andrus (II),
3rd. Prize went to: Dan Evans (I)

Painting: Hon. Mentions went to: Dan Evans (I), Scott Chaloff (III) and Emilie Stark-Menneg (I)
2nd. Prize went to: Dan Evans

Mixed Media: Hon. Mentions went to: Tze Chun (I), Rowan Swanson (III)

Sculpture: Hon. Mentions went to: Lyh-Hsin Lam (II) and Michelle Lombardi (II)
3rd. Prize went to : Nicholas Tarisai (II)

September 11 Hon. Mentions went to: Jake Garfinkle (II) and Sarah Ceglarski (I)
3rd Prize went to: Katie Fitzgerald (II)