Corina Chase (I) has been named a National Gold Award winner in the 2008 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards from the Alliance for Young Artists and Writers. After receiving two Gold Key awards at the regional level in the short story and short short story categories, Corina won a Gold Award in the National Scholastic Art and Writing contest for her piece entitled “Tango.”
As Corina describes, “Tango” is about one day in the life of a girl named Marie who is dealing with—or having trouble dealing with—her mother’s depression. “The stories I write usually start with a place or a setting,” Corina says. “For this story, what inspired me was the cold beach near my grandparents’ home in Kennebunkport, Maine. ‘Tango’ begins with Marie on a cold beach, much like the one near my grandparents’.” Corina explains that the “short” short story is an even tighter version of the short story, typically not exceeding 3,000 words.
Corina’s award places her in the top 1% of all submissions, with 10,000 works submitted to the national contest from 100,000 overall submissions. The national award recipients were chosen by a panel of distinguished artists, writers, arts professionals and educators based on their originality, technique and emergence of a personal voice or vision. Corina is invited, along with other national award winners, to attend The National Scholastic Art Awards Ceremony in New York City in early June.
Three other Milton students were awarded regional honors in the Scholastic Awards competition for their creative writing. Jennifer Kilbourne (I), Chloe Cole (II) and Mike Bartley (II) all received Gold Key awards for their submissions in the poetry category.