Captained by Charlie Posner (Class I), the boys’ tennis team recently clinched the New England Championship for the fifth year in a row and wrapped up their second perfect season of Independent School League play. Including matches in the pre- and post-season, the team has won 43 consecutive matches, and coach Michael Duseau will finish his second season of coaching Milton’s varsity boys’ tennis with an unblemished record.
Six of the eight members of this year’s team are returners from last season. Charlie, last year’s league MVP, is on a two year undefeated streak in singles play and has won 37 of 38 doubles matches. Anton Kovic (Class I) remains undefeated in doubles this season and won all six of his matches at the New England Championships. Trevor Prophet (Class I), who Charlie describes as “Mr. Clutch,” has not lost a singles match all season and is 12-1 in doubles action. The team’s Class II members, Will Newman-Wise and Mike Chao, have each only lost once all year. Will and Mike will be the only two returning seniors to next year’s team, and Charlie says that “the team is in really great hands with these guys.” Andrew Lebovitz, the team’s only Class IV member, has won every single set that he has played this year—an incredible feat. Dan Brandt (Class I) and Will Hunnewell (Class III) win matches whenever they are called upon, remaining undefeated in doubles and singles play.
Coach Duseau says of this year’s team, “It has been a pleasure to coach these fine young men and I wish the seniors all the best next year.”
The boys topped off a perfect season with their win against Nobles on May 25 and secured their second consecutive ISL Title.