canis major, an exhibition of new installations and photographs by Brynn Dizack, is on view in Milton’s Nesto Gallery from February 15 through March 15. Ms. Dizack is best known for her exploration of how the human experience can still be considered authentic in an age of sensational media and technology.
canis major includes both static and interactive installations that address issues of impermanence, duality, repetition, obsession, classification and categorization, and the constant flux of the human experience. The exhibit features Dizack’s newest work, madeline, which consists of over 1,000 cement bottles. Also on display is her recently completed passage, a poem hand-cut from a piece of mylar that extends from floor to ceiling.
Ms. Dizack has visited Milton intermittently over the past month, working on her pieces in the storage room next to the Nesto Gallery. Milton’s 3-D Studio Art classes have witnessed Dizack at work and the process involved in the installation of this exhibit.
The Nesto Gallery is located on the lower level of the Art and Media Center. Admission is free and open to the public.