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Calendar Event Submission FAQs

How do I submit an event to the school’s calendar?
Please follow this link:

Feel free to reach out to the calendar manager before submitting an event, if you would like to get a sense of space availability or what else is happening on campus surrounding your potential event.

The calendar manager’s office is located in the Student Center, Room 202 (Activities Office). Contact by email at or phone at x2211.

Step-by-step instructions on how to fill out the calendar request fields can be found at the bottom of this webpage.

Why should I submit an event/meeting to the school’s calendar?
  • To make parents and other Milton Academy community members aware of the event (but even “private” events should be submitted and will be included on the internal calendar)
  • To ensure that spaces on campus are not double-booked
  • To alert Campus Safety so they can manage unlocking and locking spaces
  • To make sure that sufficient resources are available to support your event (e.g. catering, parking, ATS, facilities, Campus Safety)
Who reviews events/meetings and determines that they fit on the calendar?
The calendar manager and director of campus services and events are the only people with access to add events to the school calendar outside of athletics information. The athletics department manages team schedules and game-day information on the calendar for all Middle and Upper School contests, scrimmages, tournaments, and ice time.
What kinds of events/meetings should be submitted as an event to the school’s calendar?

Events/meetings that

  1. occur in a space shared by multiple constituents
  2. happen outside of regular school hours 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
  3. would be informative for parents*

Examples of events that should be included on the calendar: student club meetings outside of a classroom, after-hours department meetings, college rep visits, visiting artists, special programming for faculty and staff members, fundraising events, visiting speaker Q&A sessions, admission open houses, performing arts rehearsals, family programming, standardized testing, academic tournaments, professional development opportunities, speaking engagements, after-school programming during school breaks, gym rentals, modified academic schedules.

*Please also submit events occurring off campus that would interest Milton families who may look to the website calendar for details. These could include events such as field trips, academic tournaments or fundraising events.

How early should I submit an event / meeting?
Please submit your request as soon as you start your planning process. Seven business-days notice is generally the minimum time required in order for the school to accommodate an event. The calendar manager (or director of campus services and events, if the calendar manager is not in the office) should respond to you within 24 hours of your submission.
What happens after I submit an event/meeting to the school’s calendar?
An event is not automatically accepted and added to the calendar after your submission. Once an event/meeting is submitted online, the information is delivered to the calendar manager via email. The calendar manager will contact you to either confirm that the event was added, or ask you further questions. She will also remind you to submit any support requests to ATS, Campus Safety, catering or facilities. In general, events will be approved unless there is a resource conflict.

The calendar manager considers the following before approving an event:

  • Is the requested space available or are there other events happening in that location that may be listed on the internal calendar only?
  • Is there sufficient time for the room to be cleaned between events?
  • Is there sufficient time for catering to set up before an event?
  • Can the facilities department accommodate the requested set-up within their schedule?
  • Can the submitted location comfortably fit the estimated number of guests?
  • How will cars and busses arriving for the event be managed?
Who knows where Upper School student clubs are meeting?
The director of student activities manages a list of student club meeting locations and times.
I am in the Lower or Middle School. Will the division assistant submit the event for me?
Please discuss programming with your division’s coordinator. They can submit a calendar request on your behalf and help you coordinate any requests for support services. If you decide to contact the calendar manager directly about your event, please make sure to cc your division’s administrative assistant.
How do I make sure my event does not appear on the public “external” calendar?
The “internal” calendar is used primarily by the calendar manager to keep track of space usage and by Campus Safety to be aware of campus happenings and to know when to unlock and lock spaces. Some events need to be listed internally only; these include rentals by outside entities, department meetings, or spaces being held in case of inclement weather. If you want your event to be listed on the internal calendar only—and therefore not listed on the school’s website—please select the “No” button next to the “Display event on public calendar?” option.
How is the annual calendar set?
Bi-annual Calendar Committee meetings are held in January and June to map out the following year’s major events. Committee members represent athletics, Campus Safety, facilities, ATS, dining services, development, each school division, performing arts, music, Upper School dean’s office, OMCD, human resources, admission and college counseling.

Monthly calendar meetings are held to discuss the next month’s schedule of events and to make sure all events can be supported without conflict. People who regularly attend represent athletics, Campus Safety, facilities, A/V, catering, development and each school division.

Are there periods where the campus is closed to events?
We are unable to schedule events during the admission revisit period (early April), the end of the school year leading up to graduation (late May through graduation), and surrounding Reunion Weekend (mid-June). The exact dates of when the campus is closed for events varies each year, so please check in with the calendar manager.
Must a virtual event go on the calendar?

Yes. Even though a virtual event does not require a room reservation, catering, or physical set-up, the Calendar Manager must be made aware of virtual events. The school has a limited number of Zoom licenses for events with large numbers of attendees, and larger meetings often require ATS support. All requests for ATS support of large virtual events should additionally be entered here.

There is a new field in the event request form titled “Event Type” where you must indicate whether your event is in-person or virtual. Once informed about a planned virtual event, the Calendar Manager will make sure that ATS is aware of and available to support the event as needed. In addition, the Calendar Manager will check for other events scheduled on the same day to ensure that multiple events are not scheduled concurrently/to avoid competing for audiences. The school still actively directs parents to the online calendar, so we want to make sure it is up-to-date with all relevant events.

For virtual meetings that involve more than 300 people, please use this form to request assistance from ATS.

What kinds of virtual events should be on the calendar?

Virtual events that should be on the calendar: Parents’ Association meetings, parent coffees, family info sessions, K–12 faculty and staff meetings, alumni & donor events, performing arts events, professional development trainings

Virtual events that do not need to be on the calendar: department meetings, private meetings between small groups of people, team meetings

How do I schedule a virtual event?

If you are planning a virtual event, you can email the Calendar Manager with the details, or continue to use the Calendar Event Request form:

You can list the location as “Virtual” or “Via Zoom.”

There is a new required field titled “Event Type” where you will indicate that your event is virtual.

Filling Out the Event/Meeting Submission Form

Step-by-Step Instructions

Submission Form URL:

Step 1: Select a calendar at the top of the page – either Upper School, Middle School, Lower School or All-School. Events posted to one of the school divisions—Upper, Middle or Lower—will populate that division’s calendar and automatically show on the All-School calendar. Items submitted to the All-School calendar will populate all three divisions’ calendars.

Upper School Calendar:
Middle School Calendar
Lower School Calendar:
All-School Calendar

If you are not sure which calendar to choose, simply pick one and the calendar manager will make any adjustments.

Step 2: Fill out the following fields

Event Title: Brief, descriptive (ten words or less)

Location: Please indicate your first choice for location. The calendar manager will be in touch if your selection is unavailable or a different space might be a better fit.

Date: Date of event

Time: Please list only the actual event hours here. If you want to request set-up and/or breakdown time, please reach out to the calendar manager directly and she can build that into the internal calendar.

Repeat: If you have a weekly or monthly event, please use this field. The calendar manager can manually delete repeating occurrences over breaks.

Category: If you are unsure about the best category to select, please select “Academics” as your default and the calendar manager can adjust, as necessary. The “Arts” category feeds to the Upper School Arts calendar ( Please do not select the Upcoming Events category or the Annual Calendar category (these should only be used by division administrators).

Display event on public calendar? Do you want the general public to be able to see details about your event in the calendar section of Default is “yes.” Select “no” if your event should be listed on our internal calendar only.

Note: You can include notes to the calendar manager in this section, such as secondary location choices, notes about the frequency of the event, or requests to build in set-up time. You may also note whether you want the event to be posted internally (to internal service departments only) or externally (to the main, public calendar). Do not use this field to submit requests for A/V, furniture, food, etc. This field is internal only and will not display externally.

Estimated attendance: This is for planning purposes only and does not display externally.

Web link: Include a link, if pertinent.

Description: Use this box to include a brief description of your event. This field will display externally on Milton Academy’s website.

Step 3: Press “Next”

Step 4: Review your submission and “Submit”

Step 5: Review the email confirmation – you will receive an automated email summarizing your event submission and directing you on the best methods for contacting facilities, Campus Safety, catering, and ATS for requests you may need to support your event.