Graduation 2019
One-hundred-sixty-eight members of Milton Academy’s Class of 2019 received their diplomas on the lawn outside Apthorp Chapel during the School’s 220th graduation exercises on Friday, June 7. As is tradition at Milton’s commencement, graduates and faculty were led by a bagpiper as they made their way from Straus Library to the ceremony on the quad. Following an invocation by Chaplain Suzanne DeBuhr and welcome by Head of School Todd Bland, the student speakers, Nathaniel Jean-Baptiste and Lyndsey Mugford—elected by classmates to speak on their behalf—addressed the audience. Delivering the commencement address was JB Pritzker, Milton Academy Class of 1982 and the 43rd governor of the state of Illinois.
Speech by Nathaniel Jean-Baptiste ’19
Thank you Ms. Engstrom. Mr. Pritzker, Ms. Donahue and members of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Bland, Mr. Ball, Ms. Bonenfant, Mr. Ruiz, members of the faculty and staff, family, friends, students, and the Class of 2019…
Steve Jobs, Denzel Washington, Oprah Winfrey. What do all these people have in common? Great question. I have no idea I just watched videos of commencement speeches they’ve given. Maybe that’s cheating—and Ms. Bonenfant we can schedule my DC meeting later–but I needed some inspiration. All the speeches I ended up watching were phenomenal: Steve Jobs talked about how he bounced back from low points in his life, Denzel Washington spoke on how dreams without goals are just dreams, and Oprah Winfrey–well, I mean it’s Oprah Winfrey right? She’s pretty much God at this point. Eventually, I was comparing my unwritten, completely hypothetical high school graduation speech, to college commencement speeches from people like Steve Jobs.
It took me a while to distance myself from predictions of how things could go today, but I finally came to the conclusion that this speech won’t be Steve Jobs caliber. Then I realized how awesome it is that my speech won’t be anybody else’s. It’s never been written before, never even been thought of, it’s completely its own; and that’s what I want to talk about today. We all struggle with comparisons, but getting rid of doubt and negative perceptions will help you to define your own journey.
I know, I know. I don’t think I’m some sort of wise, all knowing, and experienced individual, but the point of me being up here is to share my thoughts. And let’s face it: if you know me, it’s kind of wild they let me in front of this microphone in the first place. Yet here I am and here I go.
When I first came to Milton, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. Let me set the scene. I walked into the Student Center, and the first thing I noticed was the main difference between private and public schools: the height of the ceilings. Like in middle school we used to challenge each other to touch the ceiling, that’s just not a thing here. Seemingly just as tall as the ceilings, stood the upperclassmen. They all lined the railings and stared down at us freshmen with eyes that were basically saying “3:30 at the flagpole, you’re dead meat.” I got here and within the first few weeks I was comparing myself to literally everyone I came in contact with. It seemed as though the average student here already had their eyes set on a college, only ate gourmet food, and had been to at least 20 countries. Now at 14 years old, these comparisons only negatively affected me. I started dressing differently, I lied about having gone skiing, and all around, I was trying to be a new and improved version of myself. About a week into this act, I realised it would only be a few years until I left this school and most of the students I was trying to prove myself to. What value would my efforts to fit in hold then? Nothing. I learned it’s not worth your time to mold yourself to others’ standards and expectations.
And this translates to most everyone’s lives. To the younger siblings in the crowd, you may feel pressured to live up to whatever legacy your older sibling left. To the young adults having now entered the “real world” you may feel pressure to be perfect. To the, less young adults? Grown folk if you will, you may feel pressure to have monumental achievements and leave your mark. Regardless the stage of life you’re in, it’s crucial to be sure of yourself and have confidence in your journey. For example. these past couple of months, everyone up here has been asked our favorite question: Where are you going to college? I don’t know about the rest of you, but to me that question feels like a way for people to blindly assess my success over the past four years and years to come. I answer reluctantly, but keep confidence in my journey knowing my ambition does not end with any outcome nor does it begin because of an institution. Civil rights activist and American poet Audre Lorde said, “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” I’ll say that again, “If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” If I hadn’t defined myself freshman year, learning not to fall victim to comparisons would’ve become a much tougher task.
Generally people like to stay comfortable in what they know; and while there is nothing wrong with that, happiness is not an equation. However, there are two things you have to subtract going forward: doubt and negative perceptions. That’s it.
We’ve all had run ins with doubt. It’s normal. Through almost every stage of my life I’ve had goals that feel somewhat out of reach. And in the past my believing in myself has heavily relied on the opinions of the people around me. But that mindset had to change for me to succeed for myself. I remember in middle school, my 6th grade geography teacher was one of the cooler ones in the school, but for some reason I was on her bad side. Maybe it was because I was an energetic and talkative 6th grader, but she always underestimated me. Over time I began to believe in the doubt she’d placed on me. Then one day after class, she took me aside and essentially said to me, “You won’t amount to much.” And it really hurt me because an adult who I had reason to trust, let me down. So anyways I was like, “Ah ok, I going to lunch.” And I remember walking down that hallway and making the decision that I would work so hard to prove her wrong. I don’t even remember her face at this point; but that doubt she had for me still lingers. It took me deciding for myself not to fall subject to doubt from her or anyone, to get to where I am today.
Now I pretty easily could have given up and met her expectations for me, but I had bigger plans from the start. If you believe in your goals, don’t listen to anyone. Go for what drives you even if you’re afraid. Even if people expect something else from you. Because people tell you to do things a certain way with reasoning like, “that’s how it is” or “that’s how it works.” But that may not be the way it works for you. It’s unfair for people to project their fears on you. You have to become invincible to “You can’t do that.” You have to know your goals. See your path. And not fear when other people can’t see it. Most importantly, you have to believe you’re great before anyone else does. Forget doubt, and trust yourself.
The second thing to let go of is negative perception. There are moments you will face in life where you feel like you’re at your lowest, but in those moments it’s all about your mindset. I remember as a child, when I cried, I would always force a smile. I have no idea what the reason was. I could be crying about an injury, being on punishment, my stuffed horse that my mom donated to Goodwill without asking me (not mad about it), I could literally cry about anything; I would always force a smile. It was something about doing a joyous action in such a low and personal place that intrigued me I guess. As I grew up, I found this sort of ritual taking different forms. LIke now, instead of seeing things as good or bad, I’ve decided everything is good.
Here’s what I mean: Every moment in your life that brings you joy, is validating, and furthers your purpose, is good for you. And similarly, moments where you feel like you’re in the gutter and nothing is going your way are equally as good. It’s those “bad” moments that allow you to learn about yourself and find new ways to approach similar situations. Not only is this mindset freeing, but it also cultivates growth. I’m now able to see most events in my life for their true value and maintain love and ambition throughout. Simply by changing the way you perceive events, you can make the decision to live your life and not let your life live you. Don’t let doubt consume you. Always look for the good that can come out of an obstacle.
As I said before, I’m not Steve Jobs. And if you’re listening to this, you’re probably not Steve Jobs. While it would be cool to be Steve Jobs, we don’t need to be. Write your own script. The same tired plot is so overused. And that’s not to say Steve Jobs lived a cliche life. Check your pockets he actually had some cool ideas. And those ideas were executed because he was an original who must have had to overcome a lot of doubt and negativity to become the man he was.
I’ll leave you with one final thought: a quote from Steve Jobs, hopefully I quoted it correctly. If not, again Ms. Bonenfant we can schedule that D.C. meeting later. But here it is, “ When you grow up, you tend to get told that the world is the way it is, and your life is just to live your life inside the world… try to have a nice family life, save a little money… But that’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact. And that is everything around you that you call life, was made up by people that were no smarter than you… And the minute that you understand that you can poke life and if you push in something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it, that’s maybe the most important thing.”
So today, as we all embark on our own journeys, keep in mind that yours will be unlike anyone else’s. Stay focused on your story and steer clear of comparisons. Let doubt fuel your ambition. Find the lessons within adversity. And dare to be… I’m kidding. Keep confidence in yourself, and live life fearlessly.
Thank you.
Speech by Lyndsey Mugford ’19
Thank you, Mr. Tyler. Governor Pritzker, Ms. Donahue, Members of the Board of Trustees, Mr. Bland, Mr. Ball, Ms. Bonenfant, Mr. Ruiz, members of the faculty and staff, students, family, friends, and the Class of 2019.
When I first came to Milton, I was really scared. I still remember exactly what I wore on the first day because I’d put so much thought into it — a gray, v-neck shirt, some super cute white khaki capri pants, and a killer scarf I had borrowed from my mother. Was it 95 degrees that day? Yes. Yes it was. Did I look like a lost arctic explorer while signing the SGA book? Yes. Yes I did. But fashion came first. However, I quickly found that my look, no matter how daring or stylish, didn’t do much to give me confidence when I entered the Student Center to see a mob of kids who all seemed older, smarter, and definitely cooler than I was. I was, needless to say, intimidated. In that moment— wanting to hide, but tragically taller than most of the girls… and the boys… and the teachers — I didn’t even know how to start. But, as I stared into the crowd, and as I more largely stared down the four years of high school ahead of me, I could still so easily identify what I wanted: I wanted to build relationships that mattered. I wanted to find a community that embraced me. And I wanted to grow into someone I was proud of. The problem was, I had no idea how.
Now, I’ve heard a lot of advice in my life. Some of it has been good, like “take risks” or “don’t buy your sushi where you buy your gas,” and a lot of the advice has been garbage. However, despite all the guidance I’ve received, my favorite piece of advice, is, strangely, on marriage, and, even stranger, from my unmarried older sister. The advice? That the key to a good marriage is to just keep choosing that marriage every day. So, basically, a strong marriage isn’t defined by harmony or conflict but by the little commitments to prioritize and maintain the relationship. Now, full disclosure, I’m not married. So, I can’t say if this is good marriage advice, or total nonsense. But either way, the words stuck with me.
In four years, I have gone from a questionably-dressed freshman too lost to take a first step to a questionably-dressed senior who is so grateful for the meaningful connections I’ve found. As I moved through Milton, I learned that my sister’s advice actually applies to so much beyond marriage— it defines all levels of connection. In interpersonal relationships, community cohesiveness, and personal growth, I’ve learned that the key to successful connection is, first and foremost, to choose to buy in every day. That’s it— to keep choosing those connections. That choice is daily, small, and oftentimes can be as simple as just showing up.
This advice most obviously applies to interpersonal relationships. Now, friendships can be messy— don’t get me wrong, I went to middle school too. But, at the end of the day, awesome friends are some of the best parts of life. And, although friendships are intricate and complex, I think that the most important thing you can do for them is also the simplest: you can just show up. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it says so much. It shows you care, and it’s the easiest way to ‘choose’ to buy into that relationship every day.
Those who know me well know that I do a lot of theater and play basketball. If you’re thinking ‘like Troy Bolton?’ from the iconic 2006 Disney blockbuster film “High School Musical,” the answer is yes, exactly like Troy Bolton from the iconic 2006 Disney blockbuster film “High School Musical.” I’ve always loved both, and split up my seasons accordingly. However, the fall of my junior year, the play I was in happened to overlap with my basketball season for about two weeks. Instead of picking one activity, I did the reasonable thing: I did both. Let me spare you the suspense— this was maybe the worst decision of my life. For two weeks, I ran, literally ran, across the quad from practices to tech rehearsals, leaving games early and arriving to performances late. By the end, the stress was getting to me — I was worn out, and I fundamentally felt like I was letting both my teammates and castmates down. Then, on my show’s opening night, about 20 minutes in, the lights came up just enough to see the audience, and I saw about four or five of my teammates sitting together, dead center, cheering me on. Although it may seem small, that simple gesture meant so much. They showed up, and I love them for it. And it wasn’t just my teammates— my theater friends always came to home games to support me, and were some of our biggest fans. By just showing up, they showed me that they cared. When you show up, by attending a game or show, or even by sharing a dumb joke, or just listening, you’re consciously choosing to buy into relationships, and you’re making those connections deeper, stronger, and more meaningful. Essentially, it’s as simple as this: if a relationship matters, then make it matter. Choose it every day, and show up.
This approach also works on a larger scale: I think it’s emblematic of a strong community. Now, Milton faces challenges every day. However, in the midst of small annoyances, as well as in the true moments of tension or tragedy, it is our willingness to keep choosing this community, and each other, that sets us apart.
In my time here, this community has had some difficult moments. Every day, we grapple with questions of identity, inclusion, political discourse, and more. At times, events, both on and off campus have significantly disrupted our daily school life. In these moments, I so clearly remember my fear that our community was going to irreparably break apart. It often felt like it could. Conflict replaced cohesion, divisions were center stage, and people in our community were hurting with no readily available solution. Sometimes, it seemed like it might be easier to call it quits, give up, and go home. But, as a collective community, we didn’t. Instead, we continually chose this place and these people. Rather than hide away from tension, we intentionally tried to lean in and work to heal and improve. And to me, that choice defines our community’s strength more than any conflict, and is the difference between collapse and growth. Like choosing a friendship, that choice is continuous and ongoing. We need to buy into the work to make communities better for everyone, and show up to make it happen. And that’s not always easy! As a community, we disagree often, and just ‘choosing’ to buy in isn’t going to erase that. There’s so much more we need to do. However, I think that that choice, even if it’s not the whole solution, is the integral first step. If we don’t show up for each other and for this place, we can’t get anywhere at all. No community can. Choosing your communities and showing up to improve them makes a big difference. It matters. A lot.
My sister’s piece of marriage advice doesn’t apply to only relationships and communities— it also connects to the relationship we have with ourselves. Now, I’ve heard a lot stripped down, overly-simplified, just-add-water recipes for happiness. I’ve definitely been told that everything would fall into place if I just ‘kept a journal,’ ‘took up yoga,’ or ‘stopped being a middle child.’ But I’m not convinced that yoga is the key to my personal fulfillment. In fact, I really don’t think there is a key at all. The reality is, everyone will have points where they are unhappy with themselves or where they are. That’s inevitable. However, in these moments, rather than pursuing a magical solution, I think the answer is, again, a choice. Just like you choose relationships, and your community, in times of personal distress I’ve learned that the best thing I can do is choose myself, and show up for myself. What does that look like? That depends. It might involve yoga, if that’s your thing, but it might also mean making plans, or cancelling plans, or trying something new, or giving something up. At the heart of it, however, I think it means intentionally and deliberately structuring joy into your life, even in those moments that feel really bleak. It means finding things that make you happy and making the conscious choice to bring those things into your day. If your life is too scheduled, then add it to your schedule. That’s how you show up for yourself, and ‘choose’ yourself. Me? I get coffee with a friend, or make myself really good toast, or play piano, poorly, but it still counts. “Choosing” yourself and showing up for things that bring you joy makes you a bit happier each day. And over a lifetime, or even a high school career, it adds up.
When I first came to Milton, I was really scared. However, since that terrifying first day, I’ve learned that building strong connections is not nearly as daunting as I thought. Turns out, that marriage advice? It was onto something. One of the most powerful things I can do, that we all can do, is also the simplest: choose connections every day and just show up— for the people I love, for my community, and for myself. Looking forward to my next stage of life, I’ll admit— I almost feel like a ninth grader again again, too tall, attempting some questionable fashion choices, and, honestly, terrified. Once again, I don’t know where my life’s going to take me. But I do know that I want find meaningful connection, wherever I go. And, after my time at Milton, I now feel like I know how to start. I think we all do. Buy in. Show up. It’s worth it. And, of course, wear a seasonably inappropriate scarf on your first day, and always ask your unmarried siblings for marriage advice. Thank you.
Class of 2019 Graduates
Sarah Maurise Acker-Krzywicki, Glen Spey, NY
Adiza Lilly Suzann Alasa, Rockland, MA
John Keppel Albright, Milton, MA
Kobena Asamoah Amoah, Accra, Ghana
Thomas Grey Atkinson, Boston, MA
Laura Bryden Bailey, Dover, MA
Margaret Manton Bancroft, Boston, MA
Marieme Ibrahima Barry, Dorchester, MA
Drew Michael Bartkus, Marshfield, MA
Mert Ilgaz Bayturk, Duxbury, MA
Kyara Beltran, New York, NY
Neshaat Hansa Bharwani, Belmont, MA
Erin Alexandra Brady, Milton, MA
Arianna Mariah Bravo, Milton, MA
Amira Ruth Brown, Cambria Heights, NY
William Russell Bucci, Newton, MA
Manciana Cardichon, Brockton, MA
Rhett Merritt Carter, Sudbury, MA
Lucheyla Celestino, Lynn, MA
Ryan James Cervone, Lexington, MA
Christine Marie Char, Milton, MA
Jennifer Ailin Chen, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Seokmin Choi, Westwood, MA
Asia Mackenzie Chung, Kingston, Jamaica
Tamara E. Cowham, Quincy, MA
Quinton Ayres Crawford, Boston, MA
Edgar Pearce Crocker, Topsfield, MA
Daming Cui, Beijing, China
Andrew Joseph D’Ambrosio, Beverly, MA
Kuukua Nimdze Damptey, Oakville, Canada
Kyrah Amari Daniels, Atlanta, GA
Janelle Park Davis, Randolph, MA
Jackson Delea, Brookline, MA
Ariane DesRosiers, Hong Kong
Desmond Primo DeVaul, Milton, MA
Rishi Aditya Dhir, Chestnut Hill, MA
Jenab Diallo, Bronx, NY
Vicker Vincent DiGravio, Milton, MA
Xiao Rui Ding, Vancouver, Canada
Edward Fitzgerald Duggan Jr., Norwood, MA
Alyssa Christensen Dunn, Milton, MA
Cole Paget Ehret, Boston, MA
Margaret Barton Emerson, Belmont, MA
Marcus Louis Falcone, Canton, MA
Weilong Fang, Harare, Zimbabwe
Andrew Barnes Fearey, Duxbury, MA
Serena Choi Fernandopulle, Milton, MA
Alexander Samuel Finer, Marblehead, MA
Zoë Evangelia Flessas-Finocche, Watertown, MA
Abigail Elizabeth Foster, Milton, MA
Quinton Ari Fox, Fonthill, Canada
Michael Peter George, Milton, MA
Maria Geroukos, Milton, MA
Olivia Lafantano Goldenberg, Milton, MA
Isaac Benedict Goldings, Montclair, NJ
Seth White Gordon, Brookline, MA
Alana Zoë Greenaway, Milton, MA
Esteban Gutierrez, East Boston, MA
Adrian James Hackney, Milton, MA
Jisoo Han, Seoul, Korea
Kelly Jei Han, Lloyd Harbor, NY
Sebastian Haro, Boston, MA
Daniel Patrick Hernon, Milton, MA
Dylan Cotter Hickey, Milton, MA
Sophia Ann Hitt, Scituate, MA
Cameron Drew Hoffman, Marblehead, MA
Benjamin Foster Hoyt, Norwell, MA
Sarah Hsu, Concord, MA
Osinigwe Daluchukwu Ibekie, Schererville, IN
Nathaniel Ethan Jean-Baptiste, Milton, MA
Evan Mark Jenness, Wellesley, MA
Julia Elizabeth Johnson, Somerville, MA
Kiely Barbara Johnson, Somerville, MA
Katherine Vreeland Jones, Brookline, MA
Charlotte McLeod Kane, East Hampton, NY
Jimin Kang, Winchester, MA
Shayla Leigh Kelley, Milton, MA
Avery MacLean Lack, Houston, TX
Charles Minseo Lee, Seoul, South Korea
Charles Amster Leonetti, Newton, MA
Sadie Hardin LeStage, Jamaica Plain, MA
Galen Anthony Lewis, Leominster, MA
Brandon Li, Austin, TX
Sophia Zou Li, Milton, MA
Yen-Fu (Ricky) Lin, Boston, MA
Qihao Ma, Xiamen, China
Ryan Manning, Belchertown, MA
Kenya Brianne Mathieu, Milton, MA
Katherine Rose McDonough, Milton, MA
Alexander James McEvoy, Milton, MA
Leonard Carl Allen McReynolds V, Atlanta, GA
Tatiana Ingrid Seggerman Meyer, Dorchester, MA
Eliot Miailhe, Bordeaux, France
Anna Dmitrievna Mikhailova, Newton, MA
William Tyler Mohn, Westborough, MA
Charlotte Beryl Morgan Moremen, Brookline, MA
Chloe Olivia Morris, Stuart, FL
Lyndsey Rose Mugford, Cambridge, MA
Jiho Jack Mun, Seoul, South Korea
Sadie Young Murray, Jamaica Plain, MA
Douglas Gregory Murrell Jr., West Bridgewater, MA
Brandon Kandel Novick, Sharon, MA
Finn Donnacha O’Brien, West Roxbury, MA
Julia Nevins O’Connor, Foxboro, MA
Theodore Smithies O’Connor, Duxbury, MA
Cianna Sarah O’Flaherty, Milton, MA
Amanda Ifeyinwa Ofulue, Lagos, Nigeria
John Nnanyelugo Okafor, Hyde Park, MA
Olayeni Christa Abisola Oladipo, Canton, MA
Eva Zaragoza O’Marah, Dedham, MA
Oghenemarho Priscilla Omusi, Ossining, NY
Jaylen Terrell Ortiz, Boston, MA
Akua Addai Owusu, Accra, Ghana
Alex Palacios Santos, Boston, MA
Jack Mercer Panarese, Milton, MA
Dillon Pang, Boston, MA
Genesis Pimentel Bobadilla, Boston, MA
Emmet Tighe Powell, Marcellus, NY
Benjamin Gordon Pratt, Marblehead, MA
James Michael Quinlivan, Medway, MA
Matthew Thomas Rebuck, Milton, MA
Henry Hayes Rodat, Cambridge, MA
Cade Nathan Rose, Andover, MA
Natasha Roy, Boston, MA
Jessica Morgan Rush, Renton, WA
Owen Nicholas Ryan, New York, NY
Jocelyn Margaret Sabin, Needham, MA
Peter George Sakellaris, Milton, MA
Amaya Lucia Sangurima-Jimenez, Lexington, MA
Bennet Scott Saunders, New Canaan, CT
Daniel Scott Schlakman, Sharon, MA
Jacob Ryan Seeherman, New York, NY
Henry Vincent Sherbrooke, Cohasset, MA
Alexander William Shih, Newton, MA
Patrick Hwai Kang Shih, Taipei, Taiwan
Amy Katherine Shohet, Buzzards Bay, MA
Nina Eaton Sidhu, Orlando, FL
Robert Kenny Skinner Jr., Boston, MA
Caroline Grace Spahr, Milton, MA
Tanay Agrawal Srivastava, Southborough, MA
William Friedrich Stammen, Hull, MA
Katarina Alexandra Stephan, Boston, MA
Eloise Victoria Stikeleather, Canton, MA
Dariya Subkhanberdina, Eze Bord de Mer, France
Thomas Joseph Swirbalus, Westwood, MA
Nicholas Yang-Ho Taborsky, Needham, MA
Nethaniel Bekele Tadesse, Milton, MA
Drew Joseph Thibeault, Fitchburg, MA
Mary Claire Thompson, Canton, MA
Mary Grace Vainisi, Milton, MA
Jeremy Kevaun Verley, Kingston, Jamaica
Elena Viceira, Belmont, MA
Frederick Jennings Voloshin, Bedford, NH
Ryan Jatin Vyas, Milton, MA
Lauren Elizabeth Wei, East Lyme, CT
Robert Leo Westwater III, Milton, MA
Hannah Hope Widerman, Portola Valley, CA
Katherine Grace Wilcox, Newton, MA
Pierce Donald Wilson, Canton, MI
Clara Jane Wolff, San Francisco, CA
Young Yoon (Peter) Won, Seoul, South Korea
Livia Violet Aude Wood, Cambridge, MA
Lily Catherine Wright, Melrose, MA
Elaine Wu, Sudbury, MA
Siramori Yattassaye, New York, NY
Wenqi Zhao, Shanghai, China
Christy Zheng, Roselle Park, NJ
Hunter William Zonnenberg, Marblehead, MA
*John Keppel Albright
Thomas Grey Atkinson
Neshaat Hansa Bharwani
Christine Marie Char
Jennifer Ailin Chen
Desmond Primo DeVaul
Serena Choi Fernandopulle
Abigail Elizabeth Foster
Alana Zoë Greenaway
Adrian James Hackney
Kelly Jei Han
Sarah Hsu
Kiely Barbara Johnson
Katherine Vreeland Jones
Shayla Leigh Kelley
Avery MacLean Lack
Yen-Fu (Ricky) Lin
Katherine Rose McDonough
Anna Dmitrievna Mikhailova
Charlotte Beryl Morgan Moremen
Chloe Olivia Morris
Lyndsey Rose Mugford
Brandon Kandel Novick
Olayeni Christa Abisola Oladipo
Eva Zaragoza O’Marah
Benjamin Gordon Pratt
Alexander William Shih
Nicholas Yang-Ho Taborsky
Mary Grace Vainisi
Elena Viceira
Hannah Hope Widerman
Katherine Grace Wilcox
Elaine Wu
Wenqi Zhao
*Christy Zheng
Emma Elizabeth Bradley
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
* elected to Cum Laude in 2018
The Head of School Award is presented each year to honor and celebrate certain members of Class I for their demonstrated spirit of self-sacrifice, community concern, leadership, integrity, fairness, kindliness, and respect for others.
Lucheyla Celestino
Ariane DesRosiers
Quinton Ari Fox
Esteban Gutierrez
Kenya Brianne Mathieu
Amanda Ifeyinwa Ofulue
Cade Nathan Rose
Amy Katherine Shohet
To the Headmonitors.
Asia Mackenzie Chung
Michael Peter George
To two students, chosen by their classmates, who have helped most by their sense of duty to perpetuate the memory of a gallant gentleman and officer.
Pierce Donald Wilson
Lily Catherine Wright
To a student who has best fulfilled their potential in the areas of intelligence, self-discipline, physical ability, concern for others and integrity.
Adiza Lilly Suzann Alasa
Created in 1956 in memory of Frederick Sprague Barbour ’46, Thomas Amory Hubbard ’47, George Cabot Lee, Jr ’47, and Sherrod Emerson Skinner, Jr ’47, who gave their lives for their country and the United Nations. Awarded to students from abroad to enable them to further their education at Milton Academy, and who enrich the Milton community through their participation.
Kobena Asamoah Amoah
To students who demonstrate high moral integrity, support classmates, and have established meaningful relationships with peers and faculty. The Millet scholars, by virtue of their character and deeds, are integral members of their class and hold great promise as future leaders.
Lucheyla Celestino
Esteban Gutierrez
Pierce Donald Wilson
Awarded to a student or students in Classes I – IV, who, in working within one of the culture or identity groups at the school, has made an outstanding contribution to the community by promoting the appreciation of that group throughout the rest of the school.
Lucheyla Celestino
Pierce Donald Wilson
Awarded to the student or students who, in their years at Milton, have shown a dedication to the pursuit of outdoor skills, demonstrated strong leadership, and reached high levels of personal achievement in one or more outdoor activities.
Amelia Genevieve Carlson
Cori Ruth DeLano
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Eric Oldberg for students deemed exceptionally proficient or talented in instrumental or vocal music or in composition.
Nathaniel Ethan Jean-Baptiste
Alexander William Shih
Awarded in recognition of helpful activity in furthering in the school an interest and joy in music.
Esteban Gutierrez
Katarina Alexandra Stephan
Awarded in memory of George Oldberg ’54, to members of the school who have been a unique influence in the field of music.
Olayeni Christa Abisola Oladipo
Awarded to students who have demonstrated genuine enthusiasm, as well as outstanding scientific ability in physics, chemistry and biology.
Daming Cui
Serena Choi Fernandopulle
Kelly Jei Han
Sophia Ann Hitt
Sarah Hsu
Katherine Rose McDonough
Lyndsey Rose Mugford
Jocelyn Margaret Sabin
Katarina Alexandra Stephan
Nicholas Yang-Ho Taborsky
Wenqi Zhao
Christy Zheng
Awarded in honor of Donald Wales who taught Class IV science for more than 36 years. It recognizes students in Class IV who have consistently demonstrated interest and excitement in science.
Samuel Henry Dunn
Zoë Mima Heard
James Elliott Millington
Katheryn Anne Prather
Zoe Elizabeth Zimmerman Shleifer
Alexander James Strang
Xiaochen Zhang
For pre-eminence in physical efficiency and observance of the code of the true sportsman.
Galen Anthony Lewis
Awarded by the English Department to students who display unusual talent in non-fiction writing.
Malia Gyr Chung
Sophia Ann Hitt
Hannah Hope Widerman
Awarded by the English Department for the best essay about a work or works of literature.
Malia Gyr Chung
Awarded in honor of two English teachers, father and son, to authors of unusual talent in creative writing.
Malia Gyr Chung
Hannah Hope Widerman
To a Class I student who has demonstrated an outstanding attitude and commitment to athletics at Milton. She models exceptional sportsmanship, leadership and dedication, and she serves as an inspiration and role model to her teammates and others.
Lily Catherine Wright
Awarded to students in Class I who have achieved excellence in the study of mathematics while demonstrating the kind of love of the subject and joy in promoting its understanding which will be the lasting legacy of Donald Duncan’s extraordinary contributions to the teaching of mathematics at Milton.
Jimin Kang
Anna Dmitrievna Mikhailova
Wenqi Zhao
Christy Zheng
Presented by the Performing Arts Department for outstanding contributions in production work, acting, speech, audiovisuals, and dance throughout a student’s Milton career.
Margaret Manton Bancroft
Lucheyla Celestino
Kyrah Amari Daniels
Abigail Elizabeth Foster
Esteban Gutierrez
Yen-Fu (Ricky) Lin
William Tyler Mohn
Charlotte Beryl Morgan Moremen
Lyndsey Rose Mugford
Cianna Sarah O’Flaherty
Eva Zaragoza O’Marah
Oghenemarho Priscilla Omusi
Nyla Alise Sams
Livia Violet Aude Wood
Awarded for unusual contributions of time, energy and ideas in theatre production and in technical assistance throughout a student’s career.
Evan Mark Jenness
Christy Zheng
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Milton Performing Arts throughout a student’s career in both performance and production.
Jocelyn Margaret Sabin
To a student in her Class I year, recognizing exceptional athletic skill and admirable contributions to her team. This talented athlete demonstrates a strong work ethic and conducts herself with a spirit of teamwork and good sportsmanship.
Mary Claire Thompson
To members of the First Class, who, in Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation, have shown consistent effort, thoroughness of preparation, and concern for others.
Abigail Elizabeth Foster
Esteban Gutierrez
Lyndsey Rose Mugford
Created by his students of 1984 in his memory and honor, this prize in Classics is awarded to the student from Latin 4 or beyond who best exemplifies Mr. Daley’s love of languages.
Desmond Primo DeVaul
To members of the Second Class, outstanding in Mathematics, Astronomy, or Physics.
Kiran John Biddinger
Dillon Angelina Brown
Avery Rose Miller
Allison Nicole Reilly
Jayla Vera Rhodes
Alexander Burling Rodriguez
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Long Tao
Evita Thadhani
Andrew Joseph Viola
Jiaji Wang
Olivia Lynn Wang
Miriam Carol Zuo
For self-sacrifice and devotion to the best interests of his teams, regardless of skill.
Matthew Thomas Rebuck
Established in 1911 and awarded to Class I students who, in their study of history and social sciences, have demonstrated interest, outstanding achievement, respect for others, and a deep curiosity about the human experience.
Xiao Rui Ding
Hunter William Zonnenberg
Awarded on the basis of a separate test at each prize level.
Level 5: Dillon Angelina Brown
Level 4: Christian Westphal
Level 3: Anna Prentiss Hamblet
Awarded to those students who, in the opinion of the Department, most exhibit the qualities of academic excellence, enthusiastic participation, and support of fellow students, both in and out of class.
Tamara E. Cowham
Kuukua Nimdze Damptey
Anna Dmitrievna Mikhailova
Chloe Olivia Morris
Olayeni Christa Abisola Oladipo
Eva Zaragoza O’Marah
Katherine Grace Wilcox
Awarded for imagination and technical excellence in art and for an independent and creative spirit of endeavor.
Erin Alexandra Brady
Asia Mackenzie Chung
Michael Peter George
Sophia Ann Hitt
Jessica Morgan Rush
Amaya Lucia Sangurima-Jimenez
Ryan Jatin Vyas
Young Yoon (Peter) Won
Awarded to students for excellence in computer science.
Olayeni Christa Abisola Oladipo
Alexander William Shih
Webcast of the Ceremony
Graduation Speakers
JB Pritzker ’82
Governor of Illinois
Todd Bland
Head of School
Nathaniel Jean-Baptiste ’19
Lyndsey Mugford ’19