Graduation 2020
Milton awarded diplomas to 187 seniors during the School’s online commencement exercises on June 5, 2020. One longstanding tradition of the ceremony is peers electing their student graduation speakers. This year, students selected Brendan Hegarty and Nyla Sams. Below are their speeches, video of the online celebration, messages from faculty and staff, award winners, and names of graduates from Milton Academy’s Class of 2020.
Speech by Brendan Hegarty '20
Thank you Ms. St. Paul for your introduction.
Our time at Milton is made of moments, slices of the unplanned that stick out from the bigger picture. People come to Milton for the given, the expected, and the standard stuff we rely upon. As with any situation, that already understood part of the experience sticks with us afterwards. It enriches our lives, yet looking back it doesn’t stand out nearly as much as the unexpected and the unusual. Sometimes those are the moments that matter the most, because we can only quantify an experience as broad as our time at Milton with little memories to ground it. These remain, so we need to acknowledge their power, and learn to value them in the future.
Every day at Milton, interesting things happen. With hundreds of the same people in the same place over and over, plenty of remarkable or unexpected interactions are going down. These events involve everyone, and they come my way all the time. On a cold Thursday morning last fall, I was at Turner’s Pond, right across the street from the football field, taking data for a science class. In a wave of spontaneity, I felt compelled to complete an act of incredible scientific inquiry. Planning to measure the pond’s depth using the most accurate scale present, my six-foot-three-inch self, decked out in rain boots and waders up to my chest, I boldly embarked upon a journey into the pond. I trudged until the water was just below the top of my waders, then I tripped and began a new experiment — the effect of freezing pond water on the human body. After soaking myself, I made my shivering way back to school, changed my clothes, and took a math quiz. Although my miserable state passed and my shoes dried quickly, I now have quite the story to remember, and quite the quiz grade to forget. When I think of my Environmental Science class, I may forget some projects and general knowledge, but I will definitely remember my damp attempt to better understand the natural world.
Even though the day is planned out through schedules and lunch, activities and sports, plenty of things can shake it up. Strolling into the Student Center and deciding to eat six free donuts to make up for a light breakfast could turn my stomach, and turn my day upside down. Every time I stepped outside of a classroom, I could find a friend, teacher, total stranger, or a little brother, walking down the hallway, all potentially offering an exciting interaction. Every place I looked there were opportunities for something to happen, no matter how big or small. Opportunities are often present, and not just the obvious or acknowledged ones. Commitments like new classes and clubs enable plenty of smaller encounters that live on longer in our memories than the completion of just saying “I did this activity” on a college application. All of the things that happen around you have some value, and they often come without any choice to avoid participating. Moments like being cut in the lunch line, a mid-class walking tour of Pritzker Science Center’s water fountains, and conversations about fantasy football on a broken down bus on the highway all come from routines, like going to Forbes, sitting in science class, or taking the bus home. The little spin on what we already know makes these events into memories, and I have so many, even if they might be hidden in some far corner of my mind. Despite seeming almost unimportant, all of these tiny interactions make up our time at Milton, so we should not underestimate them.
In a year as strange as this one, I find myself missing the sometimes overlooked things about Milton, the moments and chances that made up each day. I could find myself chasing Ms. Pulitt’s dog Pippa escaping down the hallway after English class, or maybe shuffling across the quad before assembly trying not to break that thin layer of ice that forms over snow on the ground. Most of the things that make school fresh on a given day are forgotten to me by the afternoon, as my brain is accustomed to these experiences. We don’t really think of everything that happens as a “moment,” we just go about our lives, but now, without the constant ways to fill a day, something feels missing. The tiny parts of my time at Milton are so simple yet integral to the whole experience, so I have found myself appreciating them much more. It makes sense to approximate these moments by trying new things or learning new skills, but forcing ourselves to do something new won’t ever be the same as Milton’s constant potential. This type of opportunity exists beyond Milton for all of us, and we now have a great chance to think about the best ways to appreciate the serendipity already in our lives.
My time at Milton was always set to end today with the rest of the class of 2020, so it is important to look beyond our Milton experience. Although we will no longer live through the daily chances of this school, we will still find ourselves surrounded by different ones. By striving to notice and accept new moments as they come, we always allow for interesting possibilities. I figure I might as well make myself open to a chance when it comes because, to be honest, I usually don’t have much better to do. Here’s the thing. Even if it feels disruptive to whatever we’re doing, studying, eating, sitting on the couch, spending five minutes noticing or joining something new isn’t the end of the world. So many things happen around us, and we should try to involve ourselves, or acknowledge them, instead of just staying put. If it takes longer than five minutes, it might have been worth your time, or maybe it wasn’t. In that case, I am sorry, but I think you’ll get over it.
Whether we are drawn in or oblivious to passing moments, they offer a chance at something more than they seem. One Friday afternoon in freshman year, a classmate asked if I wanted to go to the RSG with him to play some basketball. I was tired and figured that my limited basketball experience and very limited hand eye coordination would not get me too far, so I said no. After quickly realizing I had nothing better to do before the bus showed up, I decided I would go with him after all. Although I was proven right about my basketball ability when I couldn’t make a free throw to get into the game, I met some new people who were also waiting on the sidelines. By dumb luck I made a shot to play in the next game, and I had a great time, although I’m not so sure my teammates did. I spent many more afternoons and free periods in the gym that year. Basketball, and more often, watching other people I know play basketball, helped me to meet some of my closest friends and spend time with them outside of the classroom during the week. I have improved since then, a tiny bit, although I certainly don’t live up to the skill level associated with most people my height. Still, after so many, that first game in the RSG is probably my favorite, and that afternoon is one of my best memories of an unexpectedly rewarding moment. So before you quickly turn something down like I did, or let the inertia of an hours long study session stop you from entering a different situation, ask “why not?” We don’t need to take every chance that comes to us, but we are more likely to make stories and memories from moments that break our habits or routine, so they’re worth considering.
Even as we gather today totally separate from each other, lacking a common campus to offer so many unplanned and often meaningful encounters, moments of convergence are still bound to occur. Right now, an increased spotlight on racial injustice and inequity is bringing people together in meaningful ways. When we find ways to support and join each other, voices are amplified, and necessary change is made. We cannot ignore what is going on around us in the United States and the world. By involving ourselves, we stand up for what matters. Black Lives Matter.
On a given day, it can be hard to realize exactly when we need something random to shake things up. Even so, we should try our best to seek out the moments forming around us, or at the very least, to appreciate them more. Look, I know I’m talking about some big ideas here, but there is no reason to go crazy with this. Don’t use getting caught in the moment as an excuse to put off cleaning your room forever, and don’t get distracted staring at pretty flowers while driving. If you do decide to do something questionable as a result of this speech, I, the Milton Academy Board of Trustees, and Stan the Mustang will not be held responsible. That’s on you. I encourage everyone to let themselves be wrapped up, drawn into, or in some cases, submerged, in the spontaneous. I think it’s the best way to live, because those are the moments we remember most, the moments that define times in our lives. As we try to appreciate these moments from the past, we can still find them even today. When everything seems to blend together, I find myself asking more and more “what did I do today?” Looking back, it’s easy to quantify a day by the number of big tasks we completed, but those aren’t the only way our time is measured. Give yourself credit for the smaller pieces of spontaneous life, and try to notice while they exist. Take the plunge. Or take a good look around you might just be swimming in a moment already.
Speech by Nyla Sams '20
Thank you Mr. Heath for your introduction!
When I was younger, I thought I was a reading prodigy. Like, I was so good, that Matilda had nothing on me. I would stay up at night using my nightlight to read books… which is probably why I have terrible eyesight and insomnia. From kindergarten all through middle school I thought I was the best reader the world had ever seen… Then I came to Milton. During my first book discussion, I listened to my fellow classmates wondering if I had read the same book they had. Sure I had read the scene where the character was staring at the smoke, but how was I supposed to know that the smoke represented the spirit of his dead grandpa? Who just reads that there was smoke coming from the fire and is like… yep- that’s the dead grandpa.
Eventually I learned that rather than just reading the passages, my classmates were analyzing them–looking for meaning. When I began to analyze passages, an entirely new way of reading revealed itself.
When you read to analyze you can’t simply read the book linearly. You constantly revisit chapters, flipping through pages trying to find symbolism, comparing passages to identify the character arc. It’s a tedious practice, but once you learn how to do it, pages hold so much more than characters and plot.
I’ve heard many people say “life is like a book.” Most of those people are English teachers, many of them are Tumblr accounts trying to be deep, and all of them are right. If we approach life like we’re reading a book, where points in our lives serve as chapters to a greater novel, analyzing those points becomes even more important. Chapters may be closed but themes and lessons from previous chapters are carried throughout the story. To really get the most out of a novel, you must often refer to past chapters. It’s the same way with life. You must return to past experiences in your life to learn lessons, to appreciate personal character development, and to gain perspective on how to move forward within your story.
As we, the Class of 2020, close this chapter of our lives and begin the next one, it is important to know how to grow beyond Milton while understanding that it will always be a part of our stories, ready to provide lessons and perspective.
I learned the consequences of not analyzing the hard way. Despite analysis working for me up until now, I decided that I was going to skim Jane Eyre because why not. Well I’ll tell you why not. No matter how many hours I spent in poor Mr. GwinnLandry’s classroom staring at the white board waiting for a thesis to appear, there was no way I was going to be able to write that essay unless I went back to reread the chapters I had skimmed over. Let’s just say that was my first and last all-nighter.
Because I was not reading to analyze, I was unable to comprehend the story, meaning I misunderstood the plot moving forward or I stayed stuck in the place where I was. So let me give you some tips so that you don’t end up like I did.
The first literary analysis tip is… Listening to the audiobook while in the shower, is not ingenious multitasking. No matter how hard you try to listen, the twists and turns of Jane Eyre simply cannot be analyzed in between lather, rinse, and repeat. You miss key information in each chapter, so when it comes time to move on, you’re lost.
For me, my failure to comprehend a chapter of my life led to an identity crisis. I spent fourth through sixth grade in Albany, NY where despite my Justice brand outfits, my silly bandz, and my pencil case that was made out of duct-tape, I was still constantly getting teased and bullied. I thought it was because I liked Big Time Rush more than One Direction or because I didn’t have a name that you could shorten into cute nicknames like Rach or Cat or Dave. But it wasn’t me or my impeccable fashion choices that made me a target. My instances of bullying were microaggressions and in some cases blatant racism. Of course being 12, I shouldn’t be expected to know how to properly analyze that. But because I could not comprehend that I was not the reason for my bad time in Albany, I decided to change my entire identity when I moved to Atlanta. On my first day at my new school I stood in front of my classmates with a flannel button down tied around my waist, a pair of short shorts, and those knee high Converse sneakers and introduced myself as “Starr with two r’s.” Yeah… let’s just say I didn’t properly analyze that situation either… An accurate comprehension of my fourth through sixth grade years would have prevented a lot of embarrassment.
Here’s a second literary analysis tip: growing emotionally attached to characters and their circumstances is a recipe for disaster. With Jane Eyre, I wouldn’t read on because I wanted Jane and Edward to stay together forever and reading on meant the possibility of that falling apart. But when I read on, encouraged by due dates, I understood that Jane needed to leave Edward for her own conscience and so he could stop being a selfish jerk. That being said…while it is important to revisit chapters in your life, you must move beyond them at first so that you can return with the gift of perspective. For example, you might be stuck in an old relationship, an old environment, or you can even be stuck in a past version of yourself. But, you can only learn from those experiences once you separate yourself from the situation and look back at it knowing all that you now know.
In ninth grade, at my previous high school, I had a nice GPA and held multiple leadership positions. I also had a social life and a humane sleep schedule. When I came to Milton, maintaining a strong academic standing required much more effort- there was no time to attend club meetings- and getting the recommended amount of sleep was a dream. A dream I never had, because I never slept. Suddenly, Nyla from ninth grade seemed much more desirable, and I wanted to stay in that chapter of my life because if I moved on, that meant the possibility that I would never be the seemingly perfect, well rested Nyla I thought I once was. But the thing is, life doesn’t stop because you’re stuck in the past. Life was moving forward without me, and because I was still so attached to ninth grade Nyla, I couldn’t appreciate what was happening to present day Nyla. It wasn’t until this past fall, [when I was prompted by college essays to return to past chapters, removed from the situation and using the gift of perspective] that I realized how I had grown within my time here at Milton. I realized that there is no way I would be the person I am today without ninth grade Nyla or Milton Nyla.
When we return to the past for perspective, our story arcs become clear. I am the Nyla I am today because I was ninth grade Nyla and because she was Starr and because she was the Nyla who lived in Albany. The themes and lessons of those chapters in my life have all followed me here today. As I look forward… I know that eventually, the Nyla standing right before you will be a character of an old chapter, but she will always be a part of my story ready to provide life lessons and encouragement.
As we, the Class of 2020, graduate, Milton Academy will become a setting in an old chapter of our lives, but it will always be a part of our stories. Our time at Milton has given us so many life lessons… and we might not know what they are now… but when we step back and revisit the past with a new perspective these lessons will become clear.
Perspective is a gift of the past intended for the future. It is crucial that we refer to the past when faced with uncertainty… Right now… all of America is being faced with a new and uncertain chapter. Millions of Americans are determined to build a society in which all citizens’ lives are valued. Flip through the pages of America’s story, return to sections that were written decades before we were born and see that we have been stuck in a chapter in which black lives do not matter. They didn’t matter with enslaved Africans. They didn’t matter with Emmett Till. They didn’t matter with Rodney King. They didn’t matter with Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and Tony McDade. Now again we see, they don’t matter with George Floyd… It’s paramount that we take the time to comprehend what is happening now. To understand the powers that are working against the fight for human rights and to address them, because I can tell you that white supremacy has been a running theme in my story and the story of all Americans of color… So America, it is time to sit down and analyze our past, to extract the lessons and strength from those in chapters previous to ours, and to fight for change because this is a chapter that I will not remain stuck in.
Class of 2020, I know you have heard this so many times, you’re probably sick of hearing it by now, but we are the future. And despite us having 20/20 vision, the future is not clear. But what is clear, is that we have demonstrated time and time again the strength of our voices, and have experienced so much during our years on this Earth that we are beyond qualified to make America what it needs to be. But it takes more than just us.
For Milton’s underclassmen, turn to our school’s story to find guidance. Students before you have used their voices in the face of injustice. Find those alumni and ask them how they evoked change while on campus.
For those who have a couple more chapters of experience than us teenagers… Pass down your lessons and stories. Provide us all that we need to be changemakers in a time where so much needs to be changed.
We are all a part of one story. Our past chapters come together to create history. Our unwritten chapters will come together to create the future. We must use our collective knowledge and multiple perspectives to grow beyond this period of injustices. What we’re facing may not be a new chapter… but we’re going to give it a new ending.
Livesey Phillips Abar, Mt. Pleasant, SC
Zaki Ellis M’hammedi Alaoui, Milton, MA
Stefan Aleksic, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Sarah Saad Alkhafaji, Quincy, MA
Zachary Brennan Ankner, Boston, MA
Aurora Faith Austin, Brooklyn, NY
Louis Joseph Radin Barber, Middletown, CT
Virginia Morris Barrett, Dedham, MA
Eliza Mary Claire Barrett-Cotter, Milton, MA
Alexandra Patricia Barron, Amagansett, NY
Samantha Kimberly Bateman, Dennis, MA
Margot Heath Becker, Brooklyn, NY
Kiran John Biddinger, Milton, MA
Maya Jane Bokhari, Milton, MA
Zane Matthew Bookbinder, Newton, MA
Abigail Bates Borggaard, Marblehead, MA
Emma Catharine Borggaard, Marblehead, MA
Benjamin Adam Bosnian, Hingham, MA
Matthew John Bower, Milton, MA
Brian Gregory Bowman, Milton, MA
Emma Elizabeth Bradley, Hingham, MA
Chloe Isabel Brenner, Newton, MA
Yaneris D’Anique Briggs, Boston, MA
Zachary A. Brooks, Cranston, RI
Connor Allan Brown, Shirley, MA
Dillon Angelina Brown, Wellesley, MA
Michelle Christine Buleke, Chicago, IL
Daniel Patrick Burke, Boston, MA
Jonah Ian Bussgang, Newton, MA
Madeline Conant Cappillo, Wellesley, MA
Amelia Genevieve Carlson, Winchester, MA
Maxwell Stephen Cassella, Madison, NJ
Nicole Marie Cepeda, Bronx, NY
Yik To Calvin Cheong, Hong Kong
Alaina Isabel Cherry, Norwood, MA
Henry H. Cheung, Hong Kong
Grace Anne Chiang, Dedham, MA
Nicholas Won Choi, Chandler, AZ
Malia Gyr Chung, Milton, MA
India Enfield Claudy, Chestnut Hill, MA
Samantha Kylander Cody, Duxbury, MA
Piper Lloyd Coes, Wyndmoor, PA
Katherine Winstead Conn, West Newton, MA
Anne Sheerin Corcoran, Milton, MA
Tyler Crist, Bethesda, MD
Cori Ruth DeLano, Quincy, MA
Diego Mihai Domenig, Zurich, Switzerland
Emma Sunhee Drisko, Concord, MA
Willa Gibson DuBois, New York, NY
Jerry Ducasse, Peabody, MA
Katherine Virginia Dudley, Westwood, MA
Kadian Davina Eccleston, Boston, MA
Paul Christopher Ehret, Boston, MA
Yaseen Hazem Elsebaie, Bayonne, NJ
Blair Reddan Englert, Jamaica Plain, MA
Stella Grace Finocchio, Milton, MA
Ethan Ecklund Furdak, Wellesley, MA
Hannah Shaler George, Milton, MA
Maya Lizhi Geyling, Milton, MA
Orson Ruairc Gillick Morris, New York, NY
Benjamin Copeland Goddard, Escondido, CA
Samuel Robert Goldberg, Milton, MA
Mitchell Douglas Gonser, Medfield, MA
Justin Patrick Greene, Norwell, MA
Kendelle Noelle Grubbs, Atlanta, GA
Caroline Bridget Guden, Waltham, MA
Ugur Gurol, Wellesley, MA
Madison Nicole Hackett, Hoover, AL
Akira Joe Hagiwara, Los Angeles, CA
Elizabeth Hastings Hall, Milton, MA
Roger Haydock Hallowell IV, Brookline, MA
Abigail Michelle Hanly, Quincy, MA
Brendan Nichols Hegarty, Milton, MA
Caroline Holliday Heyburn, Brunswick, ME
Celia Millet Hoffman, Philadelphia, PA
Anna Johnson Holtschlag, Hingham, MA
Graydon Tate Holubar, Lanesborough, MA
Mary Tobin Howley, Milton, MA
Zan Donald Huang, Newton, MA
Imani Wanda Hussain, Trenton, NJ
Zacharia Hani Ibrahim, Quincy, MA
Osafuwmengbe Osarenkhoe Idahor, Stoughton, MA
Noel Ike Igbokwe, College Park, GA
Stephen Francis Irving Jr., Boston, MA
Ainsley Nealon Iwanicki, Norwell, MA
Noah Nathaniel Marley Jackson, Chicago, IL
Charlotte Brewster Jordan, Dedham, MA
William Healy Jordan, Dedham, MA
Zoe Hillman Katz, Andover, MA
Beck Alexander Kendig, Marblehead, MA
Leo Kaplan Khadduri, Needham, MA
Cameron James King, Taunton, MA
Sophia Augusta Lachenauer, Boston, MA
Samantha Elizabeth Lee, Wayland, MA
Brianna Ashley Lewis, Kingston, Jamaica
Grace Li, Nashua, NH
Jennifer Lim, Newton, MA
Justin Shi-yu Lin, Manhasset, NY
Max Talbot Litvak, Milton, MA
William Conners Livingston, Katonah, NY
Danielle Chen Lu, Milton, MA
Andrew Ling Ma, Westwood, MA
Duncan Scot MacGillivray, Hingham, MA
John Samuel Benedict MacGregor, Durham, NH
William Hennessy Magann, Canton, MA
Daisy Christine Marshall, Milton, MA
Nasib Sadiki McDonald, Kingston, Jamaica
Leydn Young McEvoy, Milton, MA
John Michael McLaughlin, Duxbury, MA
Alexa Adams Mehlman, Westwood, MA
Ramez Metri, Weymouth, MA
Avery Rose Miller, Boston, MA
Benjamin William Monnich, Hingham, MA
Kalel Anthony Mullings, Boston, MA
Niall Michio Murphy, Cambridge, MA
Anna Down Murray, Lincoln, MA
Devon Bolton Noble, Falmouth, ME
Tara O’Malley, Norfolk, MA
Margot Rutherford O’Marah, Dover, MA
Patrick Doyle O’Neill, Hingham, MA
Erinma Adaeze Onyewuchi, Gaithersburg, MD
Shane Michael O’Sullivan, Norwell, MA
Kathryn Anne Packard, Duxbury, MA
Pari Lee Palandjian, Belmont, MA
Sarah Camille Palmer, Milton, MA
Mark Pang, Hong Kong
Kathryn Haley Paul, Dover, MA
Samuel Walter Peacock, Winchester, MA
Henry David Perry-Friedman, Denver, CO
Jennifer Rose Peters, Wellesley, MA
Olivia Cecile Pouliot, Edgartown, MA
Shalimar Aliza Pujols, Boston, MA
Charles Jackson Rebuck, Milton, MA
Allison Nicole Reilly, Dedham, MA
Idone Farren Rhodes, Newton, MA
Jayla Vera Rhodes, Atlanta, GA
Grant Kramer Robinson, Milton, MA
Alexander Burling Rodriguez, Cambridge, MA
Nyla Alise Sams, Cypress, TX
Kyle Franca Santiago, Shrewsbury, MA
Kavi Pinak Shah, Newton, MA
David Rui-Wen Shaw, Newton, MA
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw, Alamo, CA
Abigail Teresa Sheehan, Weymouth, MA
Jun Seob Shim, Hong Kong
Jennifer Wells Small, Quincy, MA
Nathan Jeremy Smith, Waban, MA
Iryna Sobchyshyna, Kupiansk-Vuzlovyy, Ukraine
Theodore Brooks Solter, Southborough, MA
Jayla Ajanae Stallings, Bronx, NY
Thomas Allan Stikeleather, Canton, MA
Elizabeth Jillian Wen-Ying Strang,Yangon, Myanmar
John Christopher Sullivan, Dover, MA
Daniel Sung-min William Suter, Gaithersburg, MD
Michelle Naa Ameley Tagoe, Randolph, NJ
Isa Tariq Ka’ala Taha-Stern, Boston, MA
Long Tao, Beijing, China
Deanna Nayr Tarraza, Salem, MA
Olivia Jean Taveira, Randolph, MA
Henry David Taylor, Lenox, MA
Rufus Logan Taylor, Lenox, MA
Evita Thadhani, Boston, MA
Priya Gitanjali Thakore, Wellesley, MA
Wyatt Leo Troy, Milton, MA
Yuki Tsutsumi, Tokyo, Japan
Susan Louise Urstadt, Darien, CT
Katerina Victoria Varsamis, Dionysos, Greece
Zachary Griffith Vaughan, Milton, MA
Andrew Joseph Viola, Milton, MA
Charles Robert Volpe, Needham, MA
David Wyman Walker Jr., Needham, MA
Katherine Anne Walker, Canton, MA
David Matias Walley, Needham, MA
Jiaji Wang, Shanghai, China
Olivia Lynn Wang, Shanghai, China
Caitlin Elizabeth Waugh, Norwell, MA
Anneke Soelberg Wernerfelt, Milton, MA
Mathea Montgomery Wernerfelt, Milton, MA
Devon Mason Whalen, Rogers, AR
Antoine Solles Wiley, Edinburg, TX
Jake Dennis Willcox, Peabody, MA
Deven Syon Mosi Williams, Randolph, MA
Andrew Jacob Willwerth, Needham, MA
Larissa Tess Wolfberg, Boston, MA
Emma Yang, Hong Kong
Erika Zi Yan Yip, Hong Kong
Miriam Zuo, Sugar Land, TX
Livesey Phillips Abar
Samantha Kimberly Bateman
Kiran John Biddinger
Zane Matthew Bookbinder
*Emma Elizabeth Bradley
Chloe Isabel Brenner
Grace Anne Chiang
Cori Ruth DeLano
Emma Sunhee Drisko
Ethan Ecklund Furdak
Ugur Gurol
Brendan Nichols Hegarty
Anna Johnson Holtschlag
Zacharia Hani Ibrahim
Sophia Augusta Lachenauer
Max Talbot Litvak
Danielle Chen Lu
Duncan Scot MacGillivray
William Hennessy Magann
Alexa Adams Mehlman
Devon Bolton Noble
Kathryn Anne Packard
Pari Lee Palandjian
Allison Nicole Reilly
Idone Farren Rhodes
Jayla Vera Rhodes
Alexander Burling Rodriguez
David Rui-Wen Shaw
*Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Iryna Sobchyshyna
Elizabeth Jillian Wen-Ying Strang
Evita Thadhani
David Matias Walley
Jiaji Wang
Olivia Lynn Wang
Caitlin Elizabeth Waugh
Devon Mason Whalen
Miriam Zuo
Colin Davis Baker
* elected to Cum Laude in 2019
The Head of School Award is presented each year to honor and celebrate certain members of Class I for their demonstrated spirit of self-sacrifice, community concern, leadership, integrity, fairness, kindliness, and respect for others.
Zaki Ellis M’hammedi Alaoui
Yaneris D’Anique Briggs
Jerry Ducasse
William Conners Livingston
Erinma Adaeze Onyewuchi
Allison Nicole Reilly
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Iryna Sobchyshyna
To the Headmonitors.
Beck Alexander Kendig
Olivia Lynn Wang
To two students, chosen by their classmates, who have helped most by their sense of duty to perpetuate the memory of a gallant gentleman and officer.
Jerry Ducasse Brianna
Ashley Lewis
To a student who has best fulfilled their potential in the areas of intelligence, self-discipline, physical ability, concern for others and integrity.
Yaneris D’Anique Briggs
Created in 1956 in memory of Frederick Sprague Barbour ’46, Thomas Amory Hubbard ’47, George Cabot Lee, Jr ’47, and Sherrod Emerson Skinner, Jr ’47, who gave their lives for their country and the United Nations. Awarded to students from abroad to enable them to further their education at Milton Academy, and who enrich the Milton community through their participation.
Iryna Sobchyshyna
To students who demonstrate high moral integrity, support classmates, and have established meaningful relationships with peers and faculty. The Millet scholars, by virtue of their character and deeds, are integral members of their class and hold great promise as future leaders.
Jerry Ducasse
Allison Nicole Reilly
Jayla Vera Rhodes
Awarded to a student or students in Classes I – IV, who, in working within one of the culture or identity groups at the school, has made an outstanding contribution to the community by promoting the appreciation of that group throughout the rest of the school.
Kendelle Noelle Grubbs
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Awarded to the student or students who, in their years at Milton, have shown a dedication to the pursuit of outdoor skills, demonstrated strong leadership, and reached high levels of personal achievement in one or more outdoor activities.
Matthew O’Rourke
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Eric Oldberg for students deemed exceptionally proficient or talented in instrumental or vocal music or in composition.
Zan Donald Huang
David Rui-Wen Shaw
Awarded in recognition of helpful activity in furthering in the school an interest and joy in music.
Allison Nicole Reilly
Jennifer Wells Small
Charles Robert Volpe
Awarded in memory of George Oldberg ’54, to members of the school who have been a unique influence in the field of music.
Henry David Taylor
Awarded to students who have demonstrated genuine enthusiasm, as well as outstanding scientific ability in physics, chemistry and biology.
Kiran John Biddinger
Maya Jane Bokhari
Emma Elizabeth Bradley
Alaina Isabel Cherry
Danielle Chen Lu
Duncan Scot MacGillivray
Kathryn Anne Packard
Pari Lee Palandjian
Allison Nicole Reilly
Alexander Burling Rodriguez
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Elizabeth Jillian Wen-Ying Strang
Evita Thadhani
Awarded in honor of Donald Wales who taught Class IV science for more than 36 years. It recognizes students in Class IV who have consistently demonstrated interest and excitement in science.
Lorenzo James de Simone
Melany Arielle Hirsch
Thomas Stephen Hong
Isabella Kanczuk
Jesse Ryan Shue
Yi Yang
For pre-eminence in physical efficiency and observance of the code of the true sportsman.
Kalel Anthony Mullings
Awarded by the English Department to students who display unusual talent in non-fiction writing.
Malia Gyr Chung
David Rui-Wen Shaw
Awarded by the English Department for the best essay about a work or works of literature.
Eliza Phillips Dunn
Awarded in honor of two English teachers, father and son, to authors of unusual talent in creative writing.
Caroline Bliss Bragg
Beck Alexander Kendig
To a Class I student who has demonstrated an outstanding attitude and commitment to athletics at Milton. She models exceptional sportsmanship, leadership and dedication, and she serves as an inspiration and role model to her teammates and others.
Katherine Virginia Dudley
Awarded to students in Class I who have achieved excellence in the study of mathematics while demonstrating the kind of love of the subject and joy in promoting its understanding which will be the lasting legacy of Donald Duncan’s extraordinary contributions to the teaching of mathematics at Milton.
Zachary Brennan Ankner
Maya Jane Bokhari
Avery Rose Miller
Allison Nicole Reilly
Jeanna Yuyang Shaw
Jun Seob Shim
Jiaji Wang
Presented by the Performing Arts Department for outstanding contributions in production work, acting, speech, audiovisuals, and dance throughout a student’s Milton career.
Maya Jane Bokhari
Emma Elizabeth Bradley
Anna Johnson Holtschlag
Brianna Ashley Lewis
Grace Li Jiaji Wang
Daisy Christine Marshall
Shalimar Aliza Pujols
Allison Nicole Reilly
Nyla Alise Sams
Iryna Sobchyshyna
Katerina Victoria Varsamis
Charles Robert Volpe
Caitlin Elizabeth Waugh
Devon Mason Whalen
Andrew Jacob Willwerth
Awarded for unusual contributions of time, energy and ideas in theatre production and in technical assistance throughout a student’s career.
Margot Heath Becker
Daisy Christine Marshall
Olivia Jean Taveira
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Milton Performing Arts throughout a student’s career in both performance and production.
Margot Heath Becker
Charles Robert Volpe
To a student in her Class I year, recognizing exceptional athletic skill and admirable contributions to her team. This talented athlete demonstrates a strong work ethic and conducts herself with a spirit of teamwork and good sportsmanship.
Caroline Bridget Guden
To members of the First Class, who, in Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation, have shown consistent effort, thoroughness of preparation, and concern for others.
Caitlin Elizabeth Waugh
Created by his students of 1984 in his memory and honor, this prize in Classics is awarded to the student from Latin 4 or beyond who best exemplifies Mr. Daley’s love of languages.
Dillon Angelina Brown
Idone Farren Rhodes
To members of the Second Class, outstanding in Mathematics, Astronomy, or Physics.
Colin Davis Baker
Madeleine Elenore Cesaretti
Alexander Wilder Crosier
Eliza Phillips Dunn
Ian Elliott Clarkson Glick
Rowan Hack
Emily Chuan Hong
Lawrence Sungwon Kim
Nikhil Ashvin Pande
Sebastian Hyun Park
Oliver Ralph Weissleder
For self-sacrifice and devotion to the best interests of his teams, regardless of skill.
William Conners Livingston
Established in 1911 and awarded to Class I students who, in their study of history and social sciences, have demonstrated interest, outstanding achievement, respect for others, and a deep curiosity about the human experience.
Olivia Lynn Wang
Miriam Zuo
Awarded on the basis of a separate test at each prize level.
Level 5: David Rui-Wen Shaw
Awarded to those students who, in the opinion of the Department, most exhibit the qualities of academic excellence, enthusiastic participation, and support of fellow students, both in and out of class.
Colin Davis Baker
Grace Anne Chiang
Thea Ellis Chung
Anna Smirnova
Elizabeth Jillian Wen-Ying Strang
Jiaji Wang
Caitlin Elizabeth Waugh
Christian Westphal
Awarded for imagination and technical excellence in art and for an independent and creative spirit of endeavor.
Alexandra Patricia Barron
Ethan Ecklund Furdak
Maya Lizhi Geyling
William Conners Livingston
Erinma Adaeze Onyewuchi
Henry David Perry-Friedman
Daniel Sung-min William Suter
Olivia Jean Taveira
Awarded to students for excellence in computer science.
Zachary Brennan Ankner
Miriam Zuo
Graduation Speakers
Todd Bland
Head of School
Lisa Donohue ’83
President, Board of Trustees
Brendan Hegarty ’20
Nyla Sams ’20