Graduation 2022
“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.”
— T.S. Eliot, Class of 1906
Milton awarded diplomas to 185 seniors during the school’s commencement exercises on June 10, 2022. One longstanding tradition of the ceremony is students electing their student speakers, which assures seniors that they will, at their last Milton gathering, hear from classmates they have chosen. This year, students selected Karol Querido and Tyler Tjan. Delivering the commencement address was alumna Heather McGhee, Milton Academy Class of 1997.
Speech by Tyler Tjan ’22
Thank you Ms. Roethke-Kahn for your introduction. Thank you Ms. McGhee, Mr. Bland, Mr. Ball, Ms. Sugrue, Mr. Ruiz, Ms. Donahue, and the members of the Board of Trustees. And thank you to my teachers, my classmates, my family, and everyone who made this day possible.
One of my favorite videos is called The Everest Discrepancy. It opens by talking about Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, the first two people to ever reach Everest’s summit. The idea of beating them was so alluring that another man, George Mallory, was willing to risk his life and that of a young climber, Andrew Irvine, to reach the top.
In 1924, Mallory was an aging, 37-year-old climber and knew this attempt at the top might be his last because of his age. Even the most experienced climbers can’t just climb Everest at any time of the year: A one week window in May or June right before the monsoons is the ideal time. On the 7th or 8th of June 1924, Mallory knew the next day might be the last of perfect weather, or the first of the monsoon winds.
Summit fever is a phenomenon that hits climbers when they can see the summit: An impossible feat looks them in the eye (or at least impossible at the time; now even I, who only has Project Adventure climbing experience, can climb on a guided tour with a little training). Those climbers cannot help but continue. On that last day, Mallory and Irvine disappeared into the storm trying to climb one of the final steps, never to be seen again. Mallory ascended with an unproven technique using oxygen canisters, and likely left his camera behind instead of taking the pictures he promised to his family: a choice that limits our ability to know what happened to him to this day.
“Now, Tyler,” you’re probably wondering, “We’re here graduating from Milton Academy; the goal of this place is to teach us to be better people, leaders, and students—not climbers.” But what happened to Mallory and Irvine can serve as an important example after you cross this stage and enter the next phase of your life. The summits you can reach as Milton graduates, and as great people, can become so enticing that you might forget about what else is important, or you may even lose yourself in the storm and never reach the summit.
As superstitious a person as I am, I acknowledge that great friendships and connections aren’t built out of luck alone, but by carving out the time to meet those people and grow close with them. If I had spent every moment of my time here focused on standing atop the summit we are at today, no amount of luck would have created the relationships I cherish. They aren’t something I could’ve stumbled into, no matter how much I knocked on wood, did things in sets of eight, or wore lucky socks.
Milton has pushed us to reach the summit of wherever we’re headed, even if it’s not Everest. Graduating with me today are future collegiate athletes, imaginative creatives, and incredible scholars. The great peaks available to us as Milton alums can make us very susceptible to summit fever.
And make no mistake: I am absolutely including myself. Ask the College Counseling Office why my list of schools to apply to got longer than a CVS receipt. For a week leading up to January 1, I barely stepped outside. I won’t lie and use a cliché excuse—I won’t claim I’m a perfectionist, or someone who once they find something they love enters an inescapable zone, because I’m not. Rather, I can get so anxious that I’m not doing everything I can to reach the summit, that I go to unreasonable lengths to make sure I have no regrets. As students of this school and families that sent your children here, I’m sure you know that feeling all too well.
Do you really think, though, that George Mallory had no regrets as he reached the point of no return? I, at least imagine an unfortunate clarity must have hit him. He was a man with a family, who a young climber, Irvine, had trusted with his life. Sure, Mallory knew the risks, but, until those final moments, I don’t think he truly weighed them.
In my Philosophy and Literature class, one of the topics we kept returning to was the idea of being condemned to be free—an existentialist theory by Jean-Paul Sartre. As the slight philosophy nerd I am and a head of the best club on campus, Philosophy Club, this idea was something I kept thinking about during the spring. Trying to reach the top, we can restrict our freedom, and it seems comfortable because limitless freedom is terrifying, as Sartre says.
Faced with how much freedom we have, it’s very tempting to limit ourselves by focusing on one goal. The white picket fence, a corner office, or a first-edition vinyl of The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Doing that makes life less scary, but you’ll lose the chance to do small things on the side that’ll make you happy. A life where we explore every avenue of our possibility is overwhelming. We shouldn’t be afraid to access our freedom, though: to think about more than the summit.
I can’t think of anyone more afraid of freedom than the version of myself when I first came to Milton almost six years ago. Anyone who knew me at that time may have sensed that I came to Milton with a goal in mind: to not do much more than my work and to mostly keep to myself. I wore the same black hoodie every day and wasn’t particularly interested in the Middle School social scene, let alone standing in front of you today, or dedicating so much of my time at Milton to sharing through performance, or even how I conduct myself every day.
Just saying “hi” to people I know on the way to my classes and documenting every moment with photos (I’ve taken nearly 6,000 this school year) makes me feel like I am creating moments on the way to wherever I’m headed and keeping them to enjoy again later. Realizing how much the people around me here—you all—had to offer fundamentally changed my mindset since I first stepped into Ware Hall, and I believe that change has made me a happier, more fulfilled person as I get ready to receive my diploma.
So, that’s why I ask you, the Class of 2022: please weigh the risks and consider what you may be leaving behind by trying to reach the summit too fast like Mallory. Yes, you could take away that slow and steady wins the race, like the tortoise and hare or like the men who were the first to reach the summit, Hillary and Tenzig, but that’s not what I’m trying to say. Moreso, I hope you’ve considered that by getting too absorbed in your goals you may fail to also live a beautiful life outside of them. Don’t wait until it’s too late to recognize that.
You are those incredible talented students, artists, and athletes as I mentioned before, but you are also incredible people. I trust that you will not let that go to waste. We can reach the top, but we can also make our way up carefully, do more of what we love, and take some pictures along the way. To make this moment about more than just the summit, and include all of you in it, I think it’s only right that we’re all a part of the last picture of my time here at Milton. Say cheese!
Speech by Karol Querido ’22
Thank you Mr. DelGaudio. Thank you Miss McGhee for taking the time to be here, thank you to the administration, teachers and families. And a special thank you to the Class of 2022 for allowing me to carry this honor of imparting a few final words to you all.
“Never in a million years would I have thought that I, a first generation African-American, would be standing in front of Milton Academy’s Class of 2022 giving a commencement speech. But never in a million years did I think I would be trying so hard to prove that I have what it takes to be standing here,” I said as I stood on the stage in King Theater delivering my 8th-grade graduation speech.
Quite the provocative opening line by Middle-School me, if I do say so myself. And yes, for those of you grimacing at this admission, I have indeed been at Milton since Middle School. Here I stand, four years later, in a fundamentally similar position, but a fundamentally different person.
There was a time in my high school career where all I could think about was this moment. Graduating. Grinding so hard to get that diploma. I shut myself off from… Well, I just shut myself off. No feelings, no real excitement, just going through the motions. Many of you may know the feeling. And I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t get better.
But you can.
Society has a way of compelling us to compartmentalize our emotions—forcing us to put our bona fides aside and hyper-capitalize our opportunities. Milton is certainly no exception. For most of my years here, I defined myself solely by the work I produced and the grades I received. In the process, I conditioned myself to view Milton in mechanical terms; I was constructing a perception of myself that asked, first and foremost, if all of this was meant for me. I didn’t give myself room to be human. For so long, my time at Milton felt like a test. A test of whether or not I could handle the rigor. A test of whether or not I could blend in. A test of whether or not I was good enough. And I was just starting to think I was, until last year.
Last spring, I nearly failed. Completely. I was this close to repeating junior year. Like, minutes away from repeating junior year. It wasn’t because I had earned bad grades, it was because there was no work to grade. I had trouble completing assignments, adhering to extended deadlines, and showing up to class. As everything snowballed, I was overshadowed by a type of dejection and defeat that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.
Meanwhile, I had worked so hard to build this narrative of the Karol I wanted you all to know: the Karol who was perfect, and prompt, and an absolute academic weapon. An incomplete narrative. As last year’s seniors were walking across this stage in June, I was begging my teachers for extensions. This took my imposter syndrome to new depths! I was so ashamed of the low point I had fallen into that I didn’t have the guts to tell my family or any of my friends. I didn’t know what to tell them, in fact, because I didn’t really know how I got there. At that point in time, I thought my future had dissolved into a murky puddle of unfulfilled potential and I had no hope of making a comeback. I lost sleep thinking about what that year had meant for my college prospects, for my rapport with my family, for my own idea of myself.
Though nothing about that moment was funny, I look back now and laugh. I realize that the person I’ve grown into today would’ve never existed without the person from last spring. We undergo the most of our character development when we hit rock bottom. Our strength is in our weakness. In our ability to fall apart. To give in. To feel. We must confront our deepest insecurities. We must share our vulnerability so that our life does not become a lie. A lie to those around us. A lie to ourselves.
I know that each of us has a dimensionality far greater than what we choose to showcase. We are trained to disguise ourselves in cloaks of invincibility, to have it all made in the shade. This was the perfect recipe for my inevitable breakdown last year. No sugar, just spice, and absolutely nothing nice. If my 8th-grade self could’ve peeked into the future and seen the torrent that lay ahead in high school, she’d have probably given up. But we are not invincible. Our disguises, try as they might, are not designed to take on the weights of our world.
Now I realize the true worth of the ebbs and flows of life. The valleys are just as beautiful as the peaks.
I won’t lie and say that my identity as a Black woman hasn’t made my ability to be vulnerable harder, because it certainly has. Sometimes, it feels like Milton isn’t meant for me. I am standing here, ready to receive my diploma in just a few moments, but I cannot confidently call this place my school, rather a school I merely attended. I never felt like I passed the tests I referenced earlier. I always felt like a stranger in my own skin as I walked around campus through a sea of white and wealthy unfamiliarity. My raging imposter syndrome has not simmered down, and I don’t know if it ever will. As I continue to reach new stages in life and accomplish more, that same 8th-grade girl who tried so hard to prove herself remains. But something is different. I am standing here today because I found the courage to stop hiding from my insecurities. To stop lying. To embrace my struggle, even if it meant letting my guard down for Milton to break me.
Now although there is so much power in being vulnerable, this alone won’t save you. We must be willing to reimagine vulnerability, to redefine it for ourselves. We must rid our vulnerability of the shame and guilt that cradles it so naturally.
Of course, this is all easier said than done. Life does not provide a linear path to fulfillment. Things don’t always get progressively better. They may get worse before they get better. And then they may get way worse. And then way better. You’ll take one step forward and 3,000 steps back. You will need to learn it the hard way, it’s the only way to learn it. Throughout the trials and tribulations of life we must encourage ourselves to be susceptible to struggle. That is the price we must be willing to pay to live authentically, to live truly.
“Dare to be True” has come to mean a lot to me. Though I’ve made copious jokes and snarky remarks about the corniness of the phrase, I stand here today fully embracing it. This may sound dramatic, but it changed my life. Turns out, the only truth I had to prove was that I was strong enough to dare. To live boldly and unapologetically. To let go of my grindset and feel.
I won’t promise that what you’ve heard in this speech is the tried-and-true guide to living a successful life. Don’t go telling everyone that a senior at Milton Academy told you to expose your insecurities and that’s why you’ve been oversharing with strangers. But I do want you all to see the merit in living a full life, a life that does not shy away from strain but welcomes it, regardless of your identity. Afterall, hardships along the way are what make great accomplishments great.
Milton will cultivate your academic interests, it will nurture your intellectual curiosity, it will challenge you to be an extrovert, it could break you.
And if you’re strong enough, you’ll let it.
Class of 2022 Graduates
Campbell Reynolds Abelow, Tuxedo Park, NY
Kwabena Jack Asare Adae, Hamden, CT
Rhea Anand, Wellesley, MA
Catherine Burke Anderson, Marblehead, MA
Dylan Burton Arevian, Scituate, MA
Martin Steven Arias-Castillo, Lawrence, MA
Caroline Ashley Baldwin, Hingham, MA
Matthew Jaden Baron, Park City, UT
Carly Lauren Bell, Dover, MA
Frederick Duncan Berkeley, Georgetown, MA
Alison Mary Eithne Blake, Milton, MA
Calvin Jones Bonomo, San Francisco, CA
William John Bordes, Groton, MA
Samuel Kinnicutt Borggaard, Marblehead, MA
Noah Kenneth Brenner, Waban, MA
Conrad Herbert Brown, Wellesley, MA
Barbara Abigail Buonato, Weston, MA
James LeComte Burton, Boston, MA
Mary Michelle Callahan, Franklin, MA
Caroline Blake Cannata, Milton, MA
Alison Haichu Cao, Irvine, CA
Evelyn Haixuan Cao, Irvine, CA
Jake Ryan Cardonick, Glencoe, IL
Louis Bartholomew Casagrande III, Brookline, MA
Ki Aston Chan, Hong Kong, China
Xingya Chen, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Victoria Erica Cheng, Brookline, MA
Erich Matthew Clark, Peterborough, NH
Emneline Grace Cobb, East Burke, VT
Rebekah Kylander Cody, Duxbury, MA
Tamsin Claire Connerly, Hingham, MA
Frances Lovett Corcoran, Milton, MA
Marisa Lynn Costello, Newburyport, MA
Lily Eve Creem, Newton, MA
Anna Kathryn Cressman, Hingham, MA
Dina Sara Custo, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ava Rose D’Ambrosio, Beverly, MA
Ethan Brady Davidson, Arlington, VA
Pankhuri Dayal, Cyberport, Hong Kong
Barrett Francis DeVaul, Milton, MA
McCoy Louis Devonish, Milton, MA
Iliana Rosario Diaz, Staten Island, NY
Zhixin Ding, Shanghai, China
Nathan Joseph Dixon, Boston, MA
Puck Henderson Doboe, Old Lyme, CT
Ines Drissi Qeytoni, Fes, Meknes, Morocco
William Aidan Dubois, Hingham, MA
Gus Allan Dudley, Westwood, MA
Samuel Henry Dunn, Hingham, MA
Cameron Hong Edgar, Milton, MA
Edward James Ellis, Weston, MA
Haley Jamieson Englert, Jamaica Plain, MA
Emily Grace Evans, Castle Rock, CO
Victoria Maria Fawcett, Duxbury, MA
Jayne Mendelson Feeney, Milton, MA
Mathias Dallas Fowler, Danville, NH
Stephanie Fuentes, New York City, NY
Zoe Jane Garrett, Duxbury, MA
Sarah Elizabeth George, Milton, MA
Alexander Thomas Godwin, Duxbury, MA
James Patrick Whateley Good, Brookline, MA
Olivia Anne Greenaway, Milton, MA
Joshua Gulyansky, Sarasota, FL
Finn Larkin Hackett, Ipswich, MA
Morgan Jacqueline Hackett, Hoover, AL
Alec Prentiss Hamblet, Milton, MA
Lillian Danielle Hanly, Quincy, MA
Zoë Mima Heard, Meredith, NH
Ida Ayu Sakira Hermawan, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bradley McCabe Holcomb, Hamilton, NY
John Benton Hull, Norwell, MA
Jooahn Hwang, Seongham-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Sydnee Eugenia Hyacinthe, Stoughton, MA
Sam Alexander Jaffe, Great Barrington, MA
Sneha Jaiswal, Milton, MA
Mathilde Shattuck Jaques, Brookline, MA
Yanan Jiang, Beijing, China
Rickardley Rody Joachim, Bronx, NY
Ilya Sergeevich Kan, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Samuel Kaufman, Brookline, MA
Joonhyoung Kim, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Hannah Hanxi Kotler, Shanghai, China
Talia T’ing Hui Kriegel, London, England
Ingrid Elmslie Krishnan, Brookline, MA
John Frederick Kulow, Weston, MA
Phyllis Dubois Ladd, Charlestown, MA
Mya Renee Lampley, Milton, MA
Calvin Luke Lareau, Brewster, MA
Joshua Michael Lebowitz, Larchmont, NY
Amelia Nicole Lee, Quincy, MA
Jae Richard Georgia Lee, Milton, MA
Seo Young Lee, Seoul, South Korea
Jack Stanley Leitzes, Milton, MA
Lucy Brooks Leness, Brookline, MA
Noah John Lippa, Newton, MA
Chen-Chih Liu, Taipei, Taiwan
Duncan William MacDonald, Newbury, MA
Griffin Burke MacGillivray, Hingham, MA
Sarah Elizabeth Maciel, South Kingstown, RI
Sophia Andrea Mack, Newton, MA
Claire Ming Lai Mallela, Moraga, CA
Piper Elizabeth Marshall, Milton, MA
John Matters, Bethesda, MD
Laëtitia Lowndes Maybank, London, England, United Kingdom
Lauren Daisy McLaughlin, Duxbury, MA
Ava Malinee McNeil, Boston, MA
Catherine Rose McNulty, Centerville, MA
Lara Metri Metri, Weymouth, MA
Katerina Dmitrievna Mikhailova, Newton, MA
James Elliott Millington, Milton, MA
Neha Yogesh Modak, Boston, MA
Simone Shanice Moise, Milton, MA
Boid Nako, Tirana,Tirana County, Albania
Myles Mwatha Ndiritu, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Thaddeus Augustus Bartol Noble, Portsmouth, NH
Ann Fallon O’Malley, Milton, MA
Philip Chukwudi Okafor, Hyde Park, MA
Joshua Oluwadamilola Olatunji, Randolph, MA
Grace Shaw Panerese, Milton, MA
Isabel Pavlonnis, Farmington, CT
Arthur Farwell Perry, Quincy, MA
Gunner James Peterson, Dedham, MA
Henry Pikus, Hanover, NH
Zachary deSola Pool, Boston, MA
Jackson Sewall Tillinghast Potter, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI
Emma Victoria Pottow, Greenwich, CT
Katheryn Anne Prather, Milton, MA
Sophia Ann Putnam, Milton, MA
Karol Pereira Querido, Boston, MA
Gavin Elliott Randolph, Boston, MA
Luke Garrett Randolph, Boston, MA
Henri Raphael Richter, Newton, MA
Elodie Irina Root, Dorchester, MA
Mallory Rae Rubin, Marblehead, MA
Aoidin Julia Salmon, Milton, MA
Zachary Sardi-Santos, Newton, MA
Christopher David Scanlon, Hingham, MA
Ava Gray Scheibler, Newton, MA
Maxwell Beck Seelig, Cambridge, MA
Yavuz Shahzad, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
Ameen Ahmad Sheikh, Newton, MA
George English Sherbrooke, Cohasset, MA
Talia Maya Sherman, Sebastopol, CA
Katherine Elizabeth Shih, Newton, MA
Zoe Elizabeth Zimmerman Shleifer, Newton, MA
Daniel Joshua Siegel, Sharon, MA
Riya Singh, Braintree, MA
Elliot Russell Smith, Moorestown, NJ
Jackson Joseph Smith, Duxbury, MA
Quinn Sanae Smith, Boston, MA
Zachary Porter Stayn, Wellesley, MA
Elizabeth Jessica Stoller, Wayland, MA
Elliot Jaffe Strauss, Newton, MA
Catherine Anne Stutzman, Sandwich, MA
Theodore Jacob Acuña Sunshine, Boston, MA
William Athanasius Taaffe, West Cornwall, CT
Jillian Celia Taveira, Randolph, MA
Ian Doran Terell, Santa Fe, NM
Rajan Mihir Thakore, Wellesley, MA
Jake Maurice Thibeault, Fitchburg, MA
Luke Thorbahn, Norwell, MA
Kirsten Ji You Ting, Hong Kong, China
Tyler Anthony Tjan, Milton, MA
Charlotte Rhodes Torrey, Chevy Chase, MD
Doan Tran, Quincy, MA
Andrew Tsang, Taipei, Taiwan
Zahra Kali Tshai, Santa Clara, CA
Emma Qi Jun Tung, Atherton, CA
Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Uzobuife, Fishkill, NY
Nathan Dean Vanech, Canton, MA
Audrey Catherine Volpe, Needham, MA
Wyatt Matias Walley, Needham, MA
Elizabeth Walton Waterfall, Boston, MA
James Ryan Wei, East Lyme, CT
Jack Christopher Wilson, Westford, MA
Anne Blodgett Winter, Boston, MA
Daryn Wong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Julianne Barbara Woodward, Dover, MA
Corey Benjamin Wright, Jr., Boston, MA
Tiankai Wu, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Abraham Max David Wyett, Newton, MA
Ka Chin Yau, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Andy Taiyue Zhang, Houston, TX
Anthony Rong Zhao, Lexington, MA
Emma Thorn Zuccotti, York, ME
Rhea Anand
Dylan Burton Arevian
Matthew Jaden Baron
Carly Lauren Bell
Alison Mary Eithne Blake
Noah Kenneth Brenner
Conrad Herbert Brown
James LeComte Burton
Caroline Blake Cannata
Alison Haichu Cao
Evelyn Haixuan Cao
Jake Ryan Cardonick
Ki Aston Chan
Victoria Erica Cheng
Erich Matthew Clark
Rebekah Kylander Cody
Tamsin Claire Connerly
Anna Kathryn Cressman
Pankhuri Dayal
Barrett Francis DeVaul
Ines Drissi Qeytoni
Samuel Henry Dunn
Edward James Ellis
Zoe Jane Garrett
Alec Prentiss Hamblet
Zoë Mima Heard
John Benton Hull
Jooahn Hwang
Sam Alexander Jaffe
Sneha Jaiswal
Mathilde Shattuck Jaques
Ilya Sergeevich Kan
Samuel Kaufman
Hannah Hanxi Kotler
Ingrid Elmslie Krishnan
John Frederick Kulow
Calvin Luke Lareau
Amelia Nicole Lee
Jae Richard Georgia Lee
Jack Stanley Leitzes
Noah John Lippa
Chen-Chih Liu
Piper Elizabeth Marshall
John Matters
Laëtitia Lowndes Maybank
Lauren Daisy McLaughlin
James Elliott Millington
Neha Yogesh Modak
Boid Nako
Isabel Pavlonnis
Gunner James Peterson
Emma Victoria Pottow
Katheryn Anne Prather
Gavin Elliott Randolph
Luke Garrett Randolph
Christopher David Scanlon
Ava Gray Scheibler
Maxwell Beck Seelig
Yavuz Shahzad
Talia Maya Sherman
Katherine Elizabeth Shih
Daniel Joshua Siegel
Elliot Russell Smith
Zachary Porter Stayn
Tyler Anthony Tjan
Emma Qi Jun Tung
Julianne Barbara Woodward
Tiankai Wu
Abraham Max David Wyett
Ka Chin Yau
Anthony Rong Zhao
The Head of School Award is presented each year to honor and celebrate certain members of Class I for their demonstrated spirit of self-sacrifice, community concern, leadership, integrity, fairness, kindliness, and respect for others.
Barbara Abigail Buonato
Iliana Rosario Diaz
Nathan Joseph Dixon
Puck Henderson Doboe
Samuel Henry Dunn
Ida Ayu Sakira Hermawan
Bradley McCabe Holcomb
Jake Maurice Thibeault
Doan Tran
Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Uzobuife
To the Headmonitors.
James LeComte Burton
Emma Qi Jun Tung
To two students, chosen by their classmates, who have helped most by their sense of duty to perpetuate the memory of a gallant gentleman and officer.
Anna Kathryn Cressman
Christopher David Scanlon
To a student who has best fulfilled their potential in the areas of intelligence, self-discipline, physical ability, concern for others and integrity.
Sarah Elizabeth Maciel
Created in 1956 in memory of Frederick Sprague Barbour ’46, Thomas Amory Hubbard ’47, George Cabot Lee, Jr ’47, and Sherrod Emerson Skinner, Jr ’47, who gave their lives for their country and the United Nations. Awarded to students from abroad to enable them to further their education at Milton Academy, and who enrich the Milton community through their participation.
Dina Sara Custo
To students who demonstrate high moral integrity, support classmates, and have established meaningful relationships with peers and faculty. The Millet scholars, by virtue of their character and deeds, are integral members of their class and hold great promise as future leaders.
Doan Tran
Iliana Rosario Diaz
Awarded to that student(s), in Classes I-IV, who in working within one of the culture or identity groups at the school or other significant cultural or social justice initiative, has made an outstanding contribution to build community at Milton by promoting the appreciation of their cultural or identity or the work for equity and justice throughout the rest of the school.
Ida Ayu Sakira Hermawan
Awarded to the student or students who, in their years at Milton, have shown a dedication to the pursuit of outdoor skills, demonstrated strong leadership, and reached high levels of personal achievement in one or more outdoor activities.
Cameron Hong Edgar
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Eric Oldberg for students deemed exceptionally proficient or talented in instrumental or vocal music or in composition.
Joonhyoung Ben Kim
John Matters
Awarded in recognition of helpful activity in furthering in the school an interest and joy in music.
Samuel Henry Dunn
Awarded in memory of George Oldberg ’54, to members of the school who have been a unique influence in the field of music.
Charlotte Torrey
Awarded to students who have demonstrated genuine curiosity, enthusiasm, as well as remarkable scientific growth in physics, chemistry and/or biology.
Anna Kathryn Cressman
Puck Henderson Doboe
Cameron Hong Edgar
Olivia Anne Greenaway
Zoë Mima Heard
Sneha Jaiswal
John Matters
Gunner James Peterson
Ines Drissi Qeytoni
Zoe Elizabeth Zimmerman Shleifer
Zachary Porter Stayn
Ian Doran Terell
Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Uzobuife
Anthony Rong Zhao
Awarded in honor of Donald Wales who taught Class IV science for more than 36 years. It recognizes students in Class IV who have consistently demonstrated interest and excitement in science.
Safina Abramova
Devan Jay Agrawal
Simon Farruqui
Aidan Gao
Valerie Gu
Ching Hei Andre Leung
Tian (Jason) Yu
For pre-eminence in physical efficiency and observance of the code of the true sportsman.
Alexander Thomas Godwin
Awarded by the English Department to students who display unusual talent in non-fiction writing.
Alison Haichu Cao
Samuel Henry Dunn
Edward James Ellis
Stephanie Fuentes
Alec Prentiss Hamblet
Amelia Murphy Solomon
Awarded by the English Department for the best essay about a work or works of literature.
Elizabeth Caroline Gallori
Awarded in honor of two English teachers, father and son, to authors of unusual talent in creative writing.
Melany Arielle Hirsch
Sneha Jaiswal
Katheryn Ann Prather
Gavin Elliott Randolph
To a Class I student who has demonstrated an outstanding attitude and commitment to athletics at Milton. She models exceptional sportsmanship, leadership and dedication, and she serves as an inspiration and role model to her teammates and others.
Elizabeth Jessica Stoller
Awarded to students in Class I who have achieved excellence in the study of mathematics while demonstrating the kind of love of the subject and joy in promoting its understanding which will be the lasting legacy of Donald Duncan’s extraordinary contributions to the teaching of mathematics at Milton.
Anna Kathryn Cressman
Cameron Hong Edgar
Sneha Jaiswal
Zoe Elizabeth Zimmerman Shleifer
Anthony Rong Zhao
Awarded for unusual contributions of time, energy and ideas in theatre production and in technical assistance throughout a student’s career.
Alec Prentiss Hamblet
Presented by the Performing Arts Department for outstanding contributions in production work, acting, speech, audiovisuals, and dance throughout a student’s Milton career.
Iliana Rosario Diaz
Ingrid Elmslie Krishnan
John Frederick Kulow
Sophia Andrea Mack
Maxwell Beck Seelig
Talia Maya Sherman
Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Uzobuife
Audrey Catherine Volpe
Julianne Barbara Woodward
Andy Taiyue Zhang
Awarded for exceptional effort, excellence, and achievement in public speaking.
Tamsin Claire Connerly
Neha Yogesh Modak
Elliot Russell Smith
Tyler Anthony Tjan
Awarded for outstanding contributions to Milton Performing Arts throughout a student’s career in both performance and production.
James Elliott Millington
Talia Maya Sherman
To a student in her Class I year, recognizing exceptional athletic skill and admirable contributions to her team. This talented athlete demonstrates a strong work ethic and conducts herself with a spirit of teamwork and good sportsmanship.
Jayne Mendelson Feeney
To members of the First Class, who, in Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation, have shown consistent effort, thoroughness of preparation, and concern for others.
James LeComte Burton
Tamsin Claire Connerly
Chen-Chih Liu
Talia Maya Sherman
Created by his students of 1984 in his memory and honor, this prize in Classics is awarded to the student from Latin 4 or beyond who best exemplifies Mr. Daley’s love of languages.
Laëtitia Lowndes Maybank
For self-sacrifice and devotion to the best interests of his teams, regardless of skill.
Samuel Henry Dunn
To members of the Second Class, outstanding in Mathematics, Astronomy, or Physics.
Yaman Habip
Melany Arielle Hirsh
Arianna Grace Kamal
Sarah Simo Kamdem
Jesse Ryan Shue
Established in 1911 and awarded to Class I students who, in their study of history and social sciences, have demonstrated interest, outstanding achievement, respect for others, and a deep curiosity about the human experience.
Caroline Blake Cannata
Edward James Ellis
Karol Pereira Querido
Elliot Russell Smith
Theodore Jacob Acuña Sunshine
Awarded on the basis of a separate test at each prize level.
Level 5: Melany Arielle Hirsch
Level 4: Thatcher Joseph Brown
Level 3: Charlotte Sofia Mone
Awarded to those students who, in the opinion of the Department, most exhibit the qualities of academic excellence, enthusiastic participation, and support of fellow students, both in and out of class.
Tamsin Claire Connerly
Mya Renee Lampley
Daniel Joshua Siegel
Elliot Russell Smith
Sharon Xie
Awarded for imagination and technical excellence in art and for an independent and creative spirit of endeavor.
Caroline Blake Cannata
Evelyn Haixuan Cao
Cameron Hong Edgar
Emily Grace Evans
Zoë Mima Heard
Jae Richard Georgia Lee
Andy Taiyue Zhang
Awarded to students for excellence in computer science.
Dina Sara Custo
Gunner James Peterson
This annual award recognizes student athletes for exhibiting the Independent School League ideals of integrity, sportsmanship, fair play, and good citizenship, while participating as a multi-sport athlete during their Independent School League career.
Ki Aston Chan
Zoe Jane Garrett
Catherine Rose McNulty
Graduation Speakers
Heather McGhee ’97
Author, Public Policy Advocate
Todd Bland
Head of School
Tyler Tjan ’22
Karol Querido ’22