Forbes House
27 residents
11 singles; 8 doubles; three floors, Garden View, 2nd floor West, 3rd floor West
Distinguishing Characteristics
Forbes House is on the main campus, next to the dining hall. The house has a main common room; a game room with a pool table and ping pong table; a state of the art kitchen with a microwave, stove and refrigerator that was constructed in the summer of 2022; and a faculty duty office.
The dormitory has three floors and three separate residence hallways, each of which has its own smaller common room and bathroom facilities. All floors have a mixed balance of students from Classes III-I, and all floors have a Senior Floor Leader.
Two faculty and their families live in apartments within or attached to Forbes House. Forbes House is one of the original dormitories on campus.
House Council, led by an elected House Monitor and Class representatives;
Hanging out on the Forbes porch;
Partnership with Robbins House – Forbes/Robbins dinners;
House trips out to Boston, skyzone, the movie theater; cooking together
Students’ achievements celebrated with “shout-outs” at weekly dorm meetings;
Trips into Boston by Forbes floor “families;”
Holiday dorm caroling;
Exam Week snacks
Pool and ping pong tournaments;
Forbes “Spirit Award;”
Forbes lapel pin;
Senior Honors Dinner (where seniors pass on the Forbes lapel pin)