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Megan Smith ’06


As the storm broke ahead of the five tents, nine of us retreated to our tents and implemented the drill used during lightning storms. My tent-mate and I sat in silence as both of us worried about the storm. Yet as the thunder rumbled and the lighting lit our tents, under the dramatic sounds we heard singing.

“We all live in the Yellow Submarine,
The Yellow Submarine
We all live in the Yellow Submarine…”

And as the songs progressed from pop to oldies, we eventually became eased and hummed along. “We all live in the Yellow Submarine…”

Enrolling in Sea Kayaking was a huge jump for me. Up until this time during the seasons I invested my time in plays in an attempt to stay far away from sports. However after seeing Mr. Bingham’s slide presentation at the beginning of the year about Outdoor Program, I decided to enroll in the sea-kayaking course. Though it was a struggle at first to kayak correctly, the support of my peers and the instructors enabled me to hone my skills. Three times a week, the sea kayaking group and I ventured into Boston Harbor, rivers, and even pools as we learned the techniques needed to stay afloat in a kayak. One skill, which is by far the most impressive, is called the Eskimo Roll. Knowledge of the Eskimo Roll allows the kayaker to right himself if he ever tips over. With the use of his paddle, the class had one member, Thomas Harvey (Class I) who could do Eskimo Rolls in a row.

On May 27, 2005 nine students and two adults set out for a sea kayaking/ camping trip that would last two nights. I spent the night before scared to death. I had never been camping before, and had realized a little too late the camping didn’t entail cabins or outhouses, but tents and the woods. Yes, I must admit I was probably in denial or something, but I still could not prevent myself from thinking what did I get myself in to.

Yet to my surprise and relief, by the first hour I was growing more and more excited as I wondered what the camping experience would bring. Lions? Tigers? Bears? Oh My! To my great satisfaction, it brought none of these horrors. However camping did expose me to the resilient, annoying poison ivy.

During the weekend we hopped from one island to the next, exploring along the way. Mr. Bingham showed us glacial striations and we stopped at a rock imperiously jutting from the ocean in order to see the view of the Atlantic Ocean. The trip was an experience I will never forget, and taught me so much about myself. I can do anything. Sounds corny, but it’s true. I never thought in a million years that I would go camping or let alone sea-kayaking. Yet in three months I have done both.

The singing faded as we climbed out of our tents expecting to see the dark clouds that beckoned the storm. Instead we found a painted sky. Blues, magenta, yellow- all the colors reflected into the ocean. We each took a moment to enjoy the sight, storing it away to remember forever.

Megan Smith ’06