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08-06_aidswalk_1On Sunday, June 1, the Milton Academy AIDS Walk Team participated in the 23rd Annual AIDS Walk in Boston.  Milton’s 17 team members joined over 20,000 participants who raised nearly $1.2 million for the AIDS Action Committee (ACC) of Massachusetts.

“We arrived in time for the opening ceremonies, did some stretching, walked the 6.2 mile route, and spent an hour looking around the Wellness Festival at the end of the walk,” said Corina Chase (I). “As a team, we raised $2,271 for the AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts.”

Members of Milton’s AIDS Walk Team included Solana Davis, Holly Mawn, Caroline Owens, Madeline Sherrill, Rachelle Alfred, Robert Bedetti, Charles Storey, Nikolas Powers, Aylin Feliz, Lillian Kaiser, Caitlin Dutkiewicz, Sarah Costello, Carolina Quezada, Hannah Jenkins, Isabel Watts, Ruth Weld and Corina Chase.

The AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts, New England’s first and largest AIDS organization, is dedicated to stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS by preventing new infections and optimizing the health of those already infected.