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12-05_bisbee_1During the annual Bisbee Tea, Allison Edwards (II) describes her research paper, “Second Place: How the American Disposition of the Post-World War II Era Prevented the U.S. From Reaching Outer Space First.” Allison is one of 11 recipients of this year’s Ethan Wyatt Bisbee Prize, an honor bestowed on students for their outstanding research in United States History. Each year, faculty teaching the U.S. History and U.S. History in the Modern World courses choose honorees from among their students. The department invites prizewinners to the annual Bisbee Tea to celebrate their achievements and share their projects with faculty and fellow honorees. Winners recognized at this year’s Bisbee Tea included:

Nelson Barrette, “Setting Fire to the Heart of Darkness: U.S. Intervention in the Congo, 1960–65”

Amanda Beaudoin, “Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation: Seizing the Opportunities”

Tina Cho, “The Freedmen’s Bureau: The Protector of Black Freedom or Its Destroyer?”

Chimene Cooper, “John F. Kennedy’s Shaping of His Utopian America and the Incorporation of the Black Race”

Julia Cowen, “The Transition of Epilepsy”

Eleanor Day, “Silk and Steel: France’s Failures in Ho Chi Minh’s Viet-Nam”

Allison Edwards, “Second Place: How the American Disposition of the Post-World War II Era Prevented the U.S. From Reaching Outer Space First”

Evan Garnick, “God, Greed, and Glory: The Rise and Fall of U.S.-Saudi Relations, 1946–1973”

Vincent Kennedy, “Woodstock 1969: A Break from the Trend of 1960s United States Counterculture”

Osaremen Okolo, “The Divide: An Exploration of the Antebellum Relationship Between Anglo and African American Women of the Deep Plantation South”

Adam Rochelle, “The Jefferson Statehood Movement: A State of Mind”

The Bisbee Prize was established to honor Ethan Wyatt Bisbee, faculty member in the history department who retired in 1993, after 40 years of teaching. John Warren, formerly of the history department, and his wife, Laura Warren ’78, former head of Robbins House, endowed the prize through a gift in 2005.