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Milton Academy is pleased to announce that William Whitmore will become director of athletics and physical education, effective August 1, 2006. Bill comes to Milton from Concord, New Hampshire where he has been the director of athletics, physical education and intramurals for the Concord School District. Bill has been responsible for the development, coordination, supervision and evaluation of the athletic and physical education programs in ten schools, and has managed the activities of some eighty coaches. Well respected by his fellow athletic directors, Bill developed many of the policies that guide athletic programs throughout the state of New Hampshire. Many of you may have unknowingly encountered him as one of 161 coaches interviewed and featured in the book Coach by Steve McKee (1994).

Prior to his work in the Concord district, Bill served for twelve years as a Division 1 basketball coach at the University of Vermont and St. Bonaventure University. Bill knows well the art and skill of coaching. He has extensive experience in developing vertical programs within sports — programs that develop players as they move through the levels of play. He has published a four-volume text entitled on Championship Drills for Basketball.

When the search committee visited Bill’s home district, Concord, students, faculty colleagues and coaches, and administrators spoke eloquently and without exception about Bill’s impact on programs, facilities and people during his seventeen years in the district. As one person noted, “My father was the athletic director before Bill and I was an experienced coach. When Bill arrived, the shoes he had to fill were big ones and I didn’t think I could learn anything from him. Five years later I realized I loved the guy and was running all his drills!” Words used to describe him were fair, consistent, disciplined, and caring. He likes to win, but he is most proud of the many sportsmanship banners that hang in the Concord High School gym.

The search committee included of Rick Hardy (Upper School principal and chair), Marjike Alsbach (interim athletic director), Amos Hostetter (parent), Ogden Hunnewell (trustee), Kevin MacDonald (faculty and football coach), Jack Reardon (trustee) and Paul Rebuck (dean of admission). We are all grateful to them for the hours they invested, the care they exercised and the capable recruitment they undertook to bring Bill to Milton. Rick Hardy managed a thorough search process; the committee used the Athletic Advisory Report as a guide, and because of their work, Milton is well positioned to move forward with our athletic program.

Once again, we are most grateful to Marijke Alsbach for her work during the past year and a half. While her interim period was longer than she intended, Marijke has led with wisdom, grace and determination, improving the program as she built a stronger foundation for her successor. Please join me in welcoming Bill to Milton.