Capstone Projects
Grade 6 Talk
The Grade 6 Talk is a longstanding tradition in the Middle School. The purpose of the talk is to:
- Provide sixth graders an opportunity to explore and share a part of their identities.
- Create a space where we can learn more about and celebrate our peers.
- Support sixth graders in expanding their comfort zones and strengthening their skills as public speakers.
Students brainstorm and write about an experience that has shaped their identity and present their final speech to the entire 6th grade class at Community Meeting.
Possible Topics may include:
A favorite activity
An important relationship
A special tradition
A powerful memory
An achievement
A disappointment
A challenge
Grade 7 Global Citizenship Project
Global Citizenship Project (GCP) project is the 7th Grade interdisciplinary research project. It is the culminating event in the academic life of each Milton 7th grader and represents a milestone in their learning journey.
For this project, students consider the following essential question: How can I make a difference in the global community? Students are asked to reflect on a topic that is personally meaningful to them and relates to this theme. They are encouraged to select issue-oriented topics. The focus is on taking personal responsibility and leadership—essential elements of being a global citizen. Students reflect on action steps in order to engage as change makers in their area of focus.
Grade 8 Talk
The Grade 8 Talk gives students a voice and empowers them to show leadership by taking the tools that they have learned from 6th and 7th grade to give an authentic presentation to the entire Middle School community. Students write their talk based on one of the following three topics:
Option 1: Present a meaningful action step you have taken or will take related to your GCP topic.
Option 2: Present an aspect of one of your social identifiers that is especially meaningful to you.
Option 3: Present a social justice topic to which you have a personal connection or strong conviction.