2024 Summer Reading and Mathematics Skills Refreshers
Students may purchase copies of the summer reading books in the Milton Academy bookstore or on their own. Click here to find and purchase books on the Milton Academy Bookstore website. All students should bring paper copies of the texts to their classes in the fall and should be sure to purchase the specified edition.
Classics Department
Over the years, we have noticed that students often come to Milton with a varying range of mythological, historical, and cultural backgrounds concerning Greece and Rome. To level the playing field for all students and to supplement our current Latin and Greek curriculum, the department has selected two to three books (depending on whether you are taking Latin or Latin AND Greek) from which you will read selections over the course of your Classics career at Milton Academy. The texts are all in English and touch on important aspects of Greek and Roman mythology, history, and daily life. For some of you, these readings will be a review. For others, the material may seem less familiar. Regardless, having some familiarity with the material covered in the assigned readings will provide useful contextual information for your courses in the fall. Please consult the course titles below to see which particular books and chapters have been assigned for your specific course. You may purchase the texts independently or through the Milton Academy bookstore.
- Abigail Graham & Anthony Kamm, The Romans, 4th edition ( ISBN-13: 9781138543898)
- Marianthe Colakis & Mark Joan Masello, Classical Mythology & More: A Reader Workbook ( ISBN-13: 978-0865165731)
- Classical Gods and Heroes (978-0688052799)
- JACT, The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture, 2nd edition (ISBN-13: 978-0521698535)
- Virgil’s Aeneid (9780553210415)
- Caesar’s Gallic Wars (9780199540266)
Classical Mythology & More: chapters 1-4: the Muses; the Creation of the World & Earliest Deities; the Olympians Part 1; the Olympians Part 2
Classical Gods and Heroes: myths as told by the ancient authors: Introduction & pp.11-55
Classical Mythology & More: chapters 1-4: the Muses; the Creation of the World & Earliest Deities; the Olympians Part 1; the Olympians Part 2
Classical Gods and Heroes: Introduction & pp.153-237
The Romans: An Introduction: chapters 1-3: the Origins of Rome; the Republic; Twelve Caesars (through Augustus)
LATIN 2-3:
Classical Mythology & More: chapters 1-4: the Muses; the Creation of the World & Earliest Deities; the Olympians Part 1; the Olympians Part 2
Classical Gods and Heroes: Introduction & pp.153-237
The Romans: An Introduction: chapters 1-3: the Origins of Rome; the Republic; Twelve Caesars (through Augustus)
Classical Mythology & More: chapters 16, 18-19: the House of Troy & the Trojan War; Aeneas; the Kings of Rome
The Romans: An Introduction: chapters 2-3, 8: the Republic; Twelve Caesars (through Augustus); Roman Literature
Virgil’s Aeneid (trans. Mandlebaum): books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12
Classical Mythology & More: chapters 16, 18: the House of Troy & the Trojan War; Aeneas
Intensive Greek:
The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture: Introduction: an outline history; Chapter 4 – Athenian Society; Chapter 5 – Athenian Democracy & Imperialism
Advanced Greek: Plato
The World of Athens: An Introduction to Classical Athenian Culture: Chapter 3: Human Obligations, Values and Concerns; Chapter 7: The Intellectual World
English Department
Class IV
Class IV English
Klara and the Sun, by Kazuo Ishiguro (ISBN: 978-0593311295).
Class III
Perspectives: Genre and Culture
The Dew Breaker (Edwidge Danticat), ISBN: 9781400034291
Founding Voices: Literature from the Ancient World through the Renaissance
Beowulf Translator: S. Heaney
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ISBN: 0-374-11119-7
Performing Literature
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (Gregory Maguire), ISBN: 978-0060987107
Seeing Literature
Ways of Seeing (John Berger), ISBN: 0140135154
Passing (Nella Larsen), ISBN: 9780142437278 (Penguin edition)
Class II
American Literature
Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehisi Coates), ISBN: 978-0812993547
The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald), ISBN: 978-0-7432-7356-5
Literature and the Human Condition
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë), ISBN 978-0141441146
People and the Natural World
The River (Peter Heller), ISBN:978-0-525-56353-2
Literature and the Environmental Humanities
Amitav Ghosh, Sea of Poppies (Picador), ISBN: 978-0312428594
The Novel Since 1800
Charles Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities (Penguin Classics). 978-0141439600
Salman Rushdie. Midnight’s Children (Random House). 978-0812976533
Reading Consciousness
Invisible Man, ISBN-13: 978-0679732761
Class I
Modern Comparative Literature
Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky), ISBN 978-0451530066
After 2000
The Goldfinch, Tartt, ISBN: 978-0316055420
Shakespeare and Cinema
Hamlet (Arden, 2nd ed, Ed. Ann Thompson), ISBN-13: 978-1472518385
This is Shakespeare (Emma Smith), ISBN-13: 9781984898159
The Magus (revised version) (John Fowles), ISBN 0-316-29619-8
The Craft of Non-Fiction
Invisible Child (Andrea Elliott), ISBN: 9780812986952
Philosophy and Literature
The Anomaly (Herve Le Tellier), ISBN: 9781635421699
We Are What We Read
The Lazarus Project, Aleksandar Hemon, ISBN 978-1594483752
American Women’s Literature
Bad Feminist (Roxane Gay), ISBN: 9780062282712
Lifespan of a Fact 1st Edition by John D’Agata and Jim Fingal
WW Norton and Company 2012, ISBN-10: 0393340732
History and Social Science Department
Challenges and Changemakers in World History
This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity (David Christian), ISBN: 9781933782041
The United States in the Modern World 1
When America First Met China (Eric Jay Dolin), ISBN: 9780871406897
The United States in the Modern World 2
Master Slave Husband Wife (Ilyon Woo), ISBN: 978-1501191060
United States History (Class III)
Master Slave Husband Wife (Ilyon Woo), ISBN: 978-1501191060
United States History (Class II-I)
Master Slave Husband Wife (Ilyon Woo), ISBN: 978-1501191060
History of the Middle East
Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires, by Juan Cole, ISBN: 9781568587813
Modern China
NO summer Reading.
Topics in Modern World History: In the Aftermath: Case Studies in Transitional Justice
Black Dog of Fate (Peter Balakian), ISBN: 9780465010196
Adv History: Cold War America
NO Summer Reading
African-American History
Master Slave Husband Wife (Ilyon Woo), ISBN: 978-1501191060
Activism/Justice in a Digital World
NO summer reading
American Government
The Future of Freedom (Fareed Zakaria), ISBN: 9780393331523
Class IV Ancient Civilizations
This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity (David Christian), ISBN: 9781933782041
Psychology Seminar
NO summer reading
Topics in Psychology
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (Mark Haddon), ISBN: 9781400032716
Historical Archaeology
In Small Things Forgotten: An Archaeology of Early American Life (James Deetz), ISBN: 9780385483995
Economic Inequality
Poverty, By America (Matthew Desmond, ISBN: 9780593239933
Class IV Ancient Civilizations
This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity (David Christian), ISBN: 9781933782041
Mathematics Department
Welcome to the hub for our Mathematics Summer Skills Refreshers.
Each of these DeltaMath collections focuses on core concepts in Mathematics to help minimize the summer drain when learned skills tend to seep away under the sun.
It is important to note that these sets of skills are not comprehensive to any class, so completion of one does not constitute having taken the prerequisite course for that set of problems.
We strongly encourage you to join the DeltaMath ‘class’ linked below for the course you are entering in the Fall. Each ‘class’ includes a selection of concept-based assignments that focus on the prerequisite skills for a given course. We strongly recommend that you spend time practicing the skills included in each of the concept-based assignments. You will likely find that you are more comfortable with some skills than others. You can customize your summer math practice by doing more problems in the areas where you are less comfortable. Consider trying 1 problem in each skill, and then continue problems within those skills which you want to practice. DeltaMath automatically generates additional problems, which means you have as many problems as you want to work on. You get to choose when to move on to a new skill.
To join, click the name of the course you are taking in the Fall. Login using your school Google account, if you have one, or make sure you register using your full name.