Frequently Asked Questions
Academic Support
What happens if my child needs extra support with academic work?
Teachers expect students who are experiencing academic difficulty to meet with them outside of class time. Normally, a teacher can provide up to one extra help session every week with a particular student. If students are experiencing academic difficulties that require a greater level of assistance, they should meet with the director of academic support. The director, and members of her staff, help students with organization, study skills, and time management. If long-term tutoring help is needed, the director of academic support can assist in making arrangements for this kind of support. The family bears the expense for this tutoring.
Students who need assistance with a particular assignment, or would like immediate advice about organization and time management, can also seek help in the Academic Skills Center, located in the lower level of Cox Library. The Academic Skills Center is staffed throughout the academic day.
How do I ensure that the School responds to educational testing information about my child?
Please pass along any educational testing information to the director of academic support (617-898-2971). The director, working with the academic dean, will ensure that the School follows the appropriate policies in response to the testing information.
What should I do if my child cannot come to school because of illness?
Please log on to Veracross, which is accessible from the Milton Academy website, under “Parents”. On the home page, on the right side under “Portal Links,” families should select “Report an Absence” as soon as possible, and before 9 a.m., on each day of absence. If your child is a boarder at home with you and unable to return to the School because of illness, please call the house head and report the absence through Veracross, before your child is expected back in the house.
What is the procedure for when my child will miss school for matters other than illness?
For absences of one day or part of one day, parents should follow the procedure described above. For multiple day planned absences, the student should pick up a Special Absence Request form from the deans’ office up to a week or at least 48 hours in advance and get signatures from the appropriate teachers and the academic dean. For more information, please see the “Attendance” section of the Student Handbook or call the deans’ office at 617-898-2143.
Are there weekends when students are required to be on campus?
No, there are no weekends when students are required to be on campus.
What are the attendance expectations at examination time?
During the School’s examination period, we will excuse students from school only in cases of illness or family difficulty. Midyear assessments will take place in late January. Please check the School calendar on the website for the exact dates of this year’s exams. Weather cancellations occasionally extend the exam period. Families making plans need to be aware that students may be required at School for rescheduled examinations.
What are the attendance expectations on the days that vacations begin?
The School does not excuse absences for early vacation departures except in unusual circumstances. (Please see the Attendance Policy in the Student Handbook.) Families need to book travel reservations well in advance and schedule departures for several hours after the last class. For the fall, winter, and spring break, the houses will close at 11 p.m. the night that classes end. Students departing by plane before 8 a.m. the following morning may make arrangements through the dean of students’ office to remain on campus. This is to ensure that students can take flights the following morning rather than miss classes. The last week of school through graduation is considered particularly important, and special absences will not be granted except in cases of personal or family difficulty. The houses close at 3 p.m. on graduation day.
Can my child miss classes to participate in a family vacation?
In all but the most extreme circumstances, we will not grant permission for students to miss classes to participate in a family trip planned to coincide with another school’s vacations.
Birthdays and Gifts
Dining Services is happy to accept orders for birthday cakes at 617-898-2369.
Are Milton Academy gifts available?
The bookstore (617-898-2110) offers a selection of Milton Academy gifts. You can also shop online at
Questions from Boarding Families
Are the houses class specific?
No, each house includes all four classes, a feature of Milton residential life that students love and that makes each house feel more like a large family.
How does the housing selection process work?
Working together, the house heads, the associate dean of students, the director of student multicultural programming and admission officer make housing decisions. They place students in houses with an eye toward creating a good balance of geography, race, ethnicity and student interests. Students think of their houses as their “family” away from home, and they normally live in the same house throughout their Milton years.
Do students stay in the same room throughout their Milton stay?
No. Each house has its own policy on determining a student’s room. In some houses, house parents assign rooms, while in others, students participate in a lottery system. In some houses, students switch rooms and roommates at mid-year.
Do I need to send furniture?
Rooms are furnished with a bed, mattress, bureau, wardrobe or closet, desk, chair, recycling bin, and wastebasket. Waiting to bring personal items until you are able to see your child’s actual room is best. Most other things that your child may need are available at the School bookstore or at local stores. Please note that due to limited storage facilities, furniture cannot be stored over the summer. Students flying from locations farther than New York are allowed to store some boxes of personal items over the summer if needed.
If I send a trunk during the summer, what address should I use?
Please send it to:
Milton Academy
c/o Facilities Department
325 Randolph Avenue
Milton, MA 02186
Please remember to mark your child’s property with your child’s name, house name, and graduation year. We often find that items cannot be returned to their owners because they are not labeled properly.
How much spending money does my child need?
The business office offers allowance accounts for boarding students. Every week, students can go to the business office to pick up an amount previously decided by their parents/guardians. Funds must be deposited into this account before students can receive an allowance. Students must show a photo ID and may not pick up the allowance for another student. Allowance hours are Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Parents/guardians may adjust allowance amounts. The parent/guardian must contact Marjorie Brazier (617.898.2283) in the business office by the end of day on Tuesday to adjust the allowance amount for that week only. For convenience, an ATM is available on campus, in the lobby of Forbes Dining Hall. Boarding students are urged not to keep large sums of money in their possession.
What should my child bring to Milton?
Student rooms are furnished with a center ceiling light, a bed (twin, extra long), desk and chair, closet, bookshelf, bureau, recycling bin and wastebasket. A list of what we recommend students to bring with them is located in myMilton under Summer Forms. If you bring a laptop computer, please purchase a lock for it. Limiting your child to things they plan to use is our recommendation. When children leave home for school with their personal belongings, increasing homeowners’ insurance to cover their items is prudent.
What should my child leave at home?
Students may not bring televisions, electric blankets, air conditioners, microwaves, space heaters, cloth tapestries, hot pots, irons (each house has one) or halogen lamps; these items are fire hazards. Although refrigerators are allowed, students are encouraged to determine if they will actually need one before bringing one to school. For specific guidelines, please see “Refrigerators” in the Student Handbook.
Will my child have a phone in his or her room?
Each house has a landline phone in the main common area. To make calls from their room, students will need a cell phone. Some houses have poor cell coverage, so students should consider enabling Wifi calling on their plans/devices to improve the quality of the calls from anywhere on campus.
When are houses ready for students to move in?
Paying attention to the School calendar and opening of School information about move-in times is important. Students cannot move in or return from school breaks earlier than the stated times because houses may not be ready and/or appropriately supervised.
How are meals handled throughout the day?
Milton serves three meals a day. Breakfast is served in Forbes dining hall, East Campus houses and in the West Campus dining hall. Lunch is served in Forbes dining hall. Members of a house eat dinner family style, with the faculty, three times each week, in Forbes dining hall, East Campus, and in the West Campus dining hall, and buffet style for the remainder of the week.
Can my child bring a bicycle to school?
Yes. However, students typically do not use bicycles for transportation; classrooms, athletic facilities and houses are close together. Some students use bikes recreationally. Storage areas are limited. We require all students to wear helmets when on a bicycle and to comply with all Massachusetts laws. In particular, when riding after sunset, every student must have a white headlight and a red taillight. If the bicycle does not have reflectors mounted on the pedals, the student must wear reflectors on both ankles. Students failing to abide by these regulations are subject to consequences up to and including mandatory enrollment in a bicycle safety course at their expense, and the loss of the privilege to use a bicycle on campus.
Does Milton provide laundry service?
Milton contracts with E&R Campus Laundry Service to provide weekly linen service (pillowcase, sheets, and towels) at no additional cost. Laundry bags will be delivered to your child’s campus house. If students bring linens from home, they need to use the provided laundry bag to have them laundered by E&R. Laundering of clothes, as well as dry cleaning, is available at an additional cost through E&R. Families will receive information directly from E&R during the summer.
Are students permitted to have overnight guests in their house rooms?
Boarding students may have overnight guests in the houses on the weekends if they ask permission of the house head or duty person. If permission is granted for the boarding student to have a guest, the parents of the guest—either a day student or friend from another school—must contact the house head or duty person to indicate that the individual has permission to stay in the house and must provide emergency phone numbers. The School cannot accommodate high school graduates, parents or other adult friends or relatives in the dorms. Boarding students may only have overnight guests on school nights under special circumstances. Normally, overnights on campus during the week are only permitted for School-sponsored events that require students to stay on campus past 9:30 p.m. Permission to host an overnight guest on a school night must be requested to the house head or house staff member who will consult with the dean of students. Day students may be invited to spend a night in the houses. In doing so, the day student is expected to follow all boarding student rules. When a boarding student wishes to host a day student for an overnight, the day student’s parent or guardian must call the house staff member on duty. When a boarding student wishes to spend a weekend night at a day student’s home, the day student’s parent or guardian must call the house staff member on duty to issue an invitation.
What is Milton’s policy on leaving campus after the end of the class day?
Boarding students may sign out during free weekday afternoons, assuming it is after 1:15 p.m. or their last commitment of the day, whichever comes later. House staff will use the permissions indicated on the boarding student permission form completed by parents on myMilton in order to make reasonable decisions about where a student may sign out to. Normally, when a student signs out to leave campus, a house staff member must initial the student’s Blue Card before the student leaves and then again upon the student’s return. (See US Student Handbook for exceptions.)
How can my child get into his or her room during vacations if the need arises?
Students must get permission from their house head or Campus Safety to enter the house during vacations and must do so with a faculty or staff member present.
What are Milton’s policies with regard to students’ using public transportation?
Milton gives students an introduction to the MBTA system at the beginning of the year and encourages students to explore using public transportation. Guidelines for use of the MBTA, taxis, and ridesharing services are detailed on the parental permission form accessed through myMilton.
What is the Host Family Program?
Day student and local boarding families volunteer to act as host families providing special support, a home away from home, for those students who come to Milton from a great distance. To request a host family, or to volunteer as a host family, please contact Tasha Otenti, the international student coordinator at When necessary, preference will be given to students who live farthest from campus.
Whom should I call first about any academic or social issue for my child?
Your child’s advisor
During the school day, how can I reach my child?
For emergency student messages, please call the deans’ office at 617-898-2143, Monday through Friday. You might also send your student an email message.
What email convention does Milton use?
Where xx are the last two digits of a student’s year of graduation
How can I reach faculty members?
You can email a faculty member (a faculty/staff directory is available in parents’ myMilton account); connect to the faculty member’s office (through our switchboard at 617-898-1798); or send mail to the faculty member at 170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 02186.
If our family moves, whom do I notify?
Please log in to your myMilton account to update your or your family’s contact information. Alternatively, you may send updates via email or regular mail using the following addresses:
Regular Mail:
Address Updates
c/o ATS Department, Milton Academy
170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 02186
Does the School publish a newsletter for parents?
Centre Connection, the parents’ online newsletter, is published five times each year: August, October, December, February, and April. The current issue as well as all past issues are available on the website in the parents’ section at The dean of students also sends parents an email that details student weekend event plans. Rely on this summary to see what options students have for fun in their free time.
Whom should I inform about my extended travel plans?
Parents who are planning to be away from home for any length of time must communicate with the student’s advisor and/or house head (for boarding students) or with the dean of students. This communication should include emergency contact numbers as well as ways in which parents can be reached in the event of an emergency or an impending disciplinary action. The School recommends that a responsible local adult be accessible if parents are away.
Will my child have Internet access in the houses?
Yes, students can connect a personal computer, tablet and/or smartphone to the School’s network and access the Internet from their rooms or house common areas.
How can my child connect a computer or mobile device to the Milton network?
Computers running a supported operating system can connect to Milton’s wireless or wired network. Supported operating systems include Windows (version 10 or higher), MacOS (Big Sur OS 11 or higher) and Chrome. Handheld devices can connect to Milton’s encrypted (Milton) wireless network. Members of Milton’s Academy Technology Services (ATS) will be available at check-in during the opening of school to assist you and your child. Your children should bring their personal devices to the scheduled ATS opening of school sessions.
What networked services does the School provide?
The School uses Google’s Workplace suite and Schoology. Faculty, staff and students receive personal email accounts through Google’s Gmail service, and cloud-based file storage through Google’s Drive service. Schoology is the School’s learning management system through which students access homework and other information related to their coursework. Course information, library resources and student work are accessible through our website,
How can my day student access services on the network from home?
All networked services, including Google Apps for Education, Schoology, myMilton and the Milton website are available from any Internet-enabled device that has an active Internet connection.
Will my child need a personal computer while attending Milton Academy?
Yes, students are expected to bring their own laptop computer to class each day.
If my boarding student’s computer has a problem, whom should they contact?
A student should email or stop by the Academy Technology Services (ATS) Help Desk, located down the hall from the bookstore in the lower level of Warren Hall. The Help Desk will perform minor or routine repairs, or make recommendations for care should the device be under warranty coverage.
What kind of computer should I buy for my child to use at school?
Students at Milton Academy use both Macintosh and Windows computers. You should choose the platform that is right for your child. Our technology department (ATS) has outlined recommended specifications and suggested devices here. If you have questions, please contact our Help Desk at 617-898-1767.
Questions from Day Families
In the case of inclement weather, how can I get information about School postponements or closings?
Students and faculty can learn about weather-related School schedule changes in several ways. The School will send a broadcast phone alert to students, parents and faculty, and the Milton homepage ( will have information available as early as possible. All major local radio and television stations will broadcast the information, as well. We try to avoid weather-related cancellations once school is in session. If an early dismissal becomes necessary, notification is posted around the School and buses leave shortly after the last required class or activity of the shortened day.
May day students spend the night on campus as a guest of a boarder?
Yes, although overnights are generally not allowed during the week, students participating in School scheduled events (i.e., production week of a play) that run at night are welcome to spend the night with friends on campus. In most cases, hosting a day student or visitor overnight occurs as it does in a private home. Students connect the hosting house parent with the parent or guardian of the guest and permission is confirmed between the adults. Guests are expected to abide by the “house rules.”
May day students drive to school?
Yes. Day students can have cars on campus to attend School events (including classes) and to return home. Before driving to campus, students and their parents or guardians must fill out a mandatory “Day Student Driving Permission Form.” Students are required to register their cars with Campus Safety and have a Milton Academy parking sticker on their vehicles. The stickers may be obtained from the Campus Safety website through the student’s myMilton account under myForms, or in the Campus Safety office, located on the lower level of the Robert Saltonstall Gymnasium (RSG).
What bus routes are available for day students?
There are a number of bus routes available for day students. The routes include Chestnut Hill-Brookline, Wellesley-Needham, Needham-Dover-Dedham-South Natick, and Boston-Cambridge. For more information, please click here or contact the campus services and events office at 617-898-2211.
Can my child leave campus during the school day?
If a student needs to leave campus before their last academic commitment of the day or 1:15 p.m., whichever comes later, permission must be obtained from the deans’ office.
A day student may not leave campus in a car prior to the end of the school day without permission from a parent or guardian (as given on the driver’s permission form completed by the parent or guardian; or, if not given above, as given on a certain day) and authorization from the deans’ office.
Do I have to contact anyone if I want to host a student gathering at my home?
If you invite ten or more Milton students to your home for any occasion (e.g., team dinner, birthday party or other gathering), you need approval from the deans’ office at least 24 hours before the start of the gathering. We encourage families to have an active adult presence whenever hosting groups of students.
The School’s insurance does not cover students’ personal property. Parents should insure any valuable possessions that students bring to School.
How can I view my child’s bookstore charges?
A monthly itemized list of bookstore charges is available in parents’ myMilton account. You may view this list of charges by logging into myMilton, and selecting the “Bookstore” option under the “Student Info” tab.
Will I be asked to contribute to the School?
Milton relies on support from alumni, families and friends to maintain the excellence of a Milton education, now and into the future. More than 75 percent of parents have given to the Milton Fund in recent years, and we are working toward 100 percent participation. Your contribution is a vote of confidence in the School and the importance of your child’s experiences; your gift also helps fund crucial programs such as faculty salaries and financial aid.
Grades and Comments
Health Care, Support and Counseling
Any time a student does not feel well, they should speak with the house head, a house parent or a teacher who will refer the student to the Health Center. During the academic day, students should go directly to the Health Center. Giving full information (on the School health forms) about your child’s health status (medical and psychological) is important, because it helps Health Center staff make better decisions about responding to a child’s illness or symptoms.
Registered nurses provide services throughout the school day to both day and boarding students, and overnight to boarding students who need medical attention. The nurses, in consultation with the school physician, determine appropriate care. In a medical emergency, we will make every effort to notify parents, and an adult will accompany the student to a medical facility, using ambulance transportation if necessary. In the event that we cannot reach you, your signature on the “permission to treat” form will allow medical professionals to provide necessary treatment. We will make sure that your child receives immediate care and will contact you as soon as possible. If at any time you sense that your child is ill, please call the house head or Health Center (617-898-2450, 2451) directly. Parents should understand that medical or psychological care that is provided by the nurses or counselors is covered by the medical fee. However, when a student sees a physician, parents will receive a fee-for-service bill.
What if my child requires medication?
Students must inform the Health Center about any prescription medication. Students may not keep prescription medications in their house rooms, unless the Health Center has approved it. Milton’s psychiatric consultant will meet with boarding students who are taking psychotropic medications, at the parents’ expense, to monitor the medication. In addition, boarding students who are taking psychotropic medications are required to meet regularly with a school counselor. All psychotropic medication must be dispensed by a nurse. Failure to abide by this regulation could result in disciplinary action.
Is psychological counseling available?
Students may engage in psychological counseling with a Health Center counselor on a confidential basis. They may schedule an appointment with a counselor directly, or through the nurses. Parents are also welcome to consult with the counselors when they have a concern about their child. If a student wishes to see a psychiatrist, that appointment may be scheduled through the counselors at the parent’s expense.
Release of Student Information
Generally, Milton does not release information about a student without written consent of the parent(s) or legal guardians. Exceptions to this rule are the following:
- Recommendations or transcripts requested by the parent/student for employers, colleges and special programs
- Press releases or feature articles in print or on the website noting awards, activities, or academic or personal distinctions
Occasionally, a reporter may also ask to interview a student in connection with his or her accomplishments or participation in Milton Academy programs. The enrollment online forms that parents complete each spring allow parents to decline press releases or media interaction.
Weekends at Milton
Between athletic contests on Saturdays and evening activities and performances planned by and for all students, boarding and day, from Classes I–IV, the Milton campus is a busy, well-lit center of life all weekend long. We encourage all students to attend planned weekend activities.
How are weekends planned?
Students plan weekend life at Milton. The Student Activities Association (S.A.A.) works with the support of the director of student activities to plan events for Friday and Saturday nights for Classes I–IV. Detailed information about weekend events can be found on the online Upper School calendar.
How can I learn about weekend events?
A full schedule of weekend events is available on Milton’s online calendar. Since students plan the activities, occasionally there are changes, so check frequently and late in the week for weekend activities. You will also receive a monthly email from the dean of students, highlighting important and timely information, including the line-up of weekend events available to students.
Are there any formal dances?
Yes, there are three formal dances each year.
Winter Ball – semi formal dance in December
Boat Dance – Class II semi formal dance in May
Prom – Class I in June
What religious services are offered at school?
There is a prayer room available for Muslim students. Please email Terri James-Solomon, college counselor and faculty advisor for the Muslim Student Association, at for more information.
What happens if my child wants to worship off campus?
The School helps meet the religious needs of students of all faiths. Opportunities to worship in a number of religious settings are near the campus. The dean’s office and the director of restorative practices are available to assist students in finding a place to worship.