Parents’ Association
Every parent of a Milton Academy Upper School (Classes I–IV) student is a member of the Upper School Parents’ Association (USPA), so if you are a parent, this is your page!
At Milton, the Parents’ Association welcomes new parents, offers opportunities for parents to come together, sponsors an array of student events, and supports the efforts of faculty, staff and administration to make Milton a positive learning environment for our children.
All meetings are open, and they are generally held by Zoom once or twice a month at 7 p.m. EST. Check the calendar below for dates. Each features a member of the faculty, staff or administration, speaking and taking questions on their role at Milton.
Our governing body—the Executive Committee—is comprised of parents, and all USPA events are planned and run by still more parents, volunteering their time. We cordially invite you to become involved, whether you live nearby or on another continent. Find out more, below, and contact us to volunteer!
Parents' Association Meetings Calendar
USPA Meetings 2024–2025
The Upper School Parents’ Association invite parents to join the following Zoom events during the 2024–2025 academic year:
Tuesday, October 8, 2024, from 7–8 p.m.
Fireside Chat: School Update
Head of School, Dr. Alixe Callen, Upper School Principal, Rachel Stone USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Host: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 7–8 p.m.
Zoom Speakers: Student Life Panel
Academic Dean, Heather Sugrue
Dean of Students, José Ruiz
Dir. Residential Life, Anika Walker-Johnson USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Host: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, from 7–8 p.m.
Health Panel Zoom Speakers: Director of Academic Support, Lainey Sloman
Director of Counseling, Amanda Chapin-Deehan
USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Host: Daniele Serafini
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, from 7–8 p.m.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Zoom Speaker: Dr. Melissa Lawlor, Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer Upper School Dir. Equity and Inclusion: Vanessa Cohen Gibbons USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Host: Daniele Serafini
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, from 7–8 p.m Fireside Chat: Arts & Athletics Director of Athletics, Lamar Reddicks Performing Arts Chair, Eleza Kort Visual Arts Chair, Jenny Hughes USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m. Host: Daniele Serafini
Thursday, April 17, 2025, from 10 am–2 p.m.
Faculty and Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Breakfast, Lunch and Raffle
Tuesday, April 22, 2025 from 7–8 p.m. Zoom Speaker: Addiction Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital Intro by Director of Counseling, Director of Social Work, Amy McCarthy Baluch Host: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
Tuesday, May 20, 2025, from 7–8 p.m.
Parent Programming – The Art of Letting Go
Zoom Speakers: TBA
USPA Board Meeting 8 – 8:30 p.m.
Host: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
Monday, June 2, 2025, from 6 -8 p.m.
Class I Parents Cocktail Reception (after Prom Departure)
Details of Board Positions and Their Associated Volunteer Committees
Executive Committee
- Develop meeting agenda, invite speakers, and chair monthly USPA meetings
- Work with staff liaison to coordinate parent/student events throughout the year
- Act as the USPA’s liaison with the Head of School and Upper School Principal
- Work with VP to recruit next year’s Board members
- Work with committee chairs and class reps to plan events throughout the year
Vice President
- Two-year commitment (one year as VP, second year as President)
- Attend monthly USPA meetings
- Act as the USPA’s co-liaison with the school
- Work with the President to recruit next year’s Board members
- Two-year commitment
- Attend monthly USPA meetings
- Work with President to develop an annual operating budget
- Manage USPA account and coordinate payment of invoices
- Report finances to USPA officers
- Liaison with the Business Office
- Attend monthly meetings of the USPA
- Record meeting minutes
- Minutes are an important channel for the school administration, along with the PA, to disseminate information to the Milton parent community
- Key initiatives and strategies of the school administration are discussed, as well as details and specific deadlines and requirements for upcoming events on campus
Boarding Parent Committee Chair
Committee Chairs
Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon Chair
- Plan annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon, which includes:
- Recruit parents to work on the Faculty & Staff Appreciation Committee
- Solicit donations of food and funds from parents, via SignUp Genius
- Assist committee members in recruiting volunteers, via SignUp Genius, to work the day of the event
- Note: Appreciation event is in mid-April; work begins in October, but is concentrated in March and April
- Complete Event Report
Student Activities Coordinator
- Head the Student Activities Committee
- Attend monthly USPA meetings either in person or by conference call
- Coordinate Donut Days and Exam Treats
Spring Fling Chair
- Plan annual Spring Fling for the student body, which includes:
- Book food vendors
- Plan activities and games
- Recruit volunteers to work the day of the event
Class Representatives
- Write a welcome note to parents, to be sent out by school
- Attend monthly USPA meetings via Zoom
- USPA liaison with parents for all USPA events
- Organize and host a class gatherings (e.g. walks, coffees) throughout the year
New Parent Welcoming Committee
- Gather names of new families looking for host families
- Gather names of host families looking to host new families
- Match new families to host families
PIN Reps
- Attend monthly USPA meetings and report on last PIN meeting
- Attend six PIN meetings and lectures to take notes for above reporting
- Encourage awareness of and use of the PIN web page
- Coordinate with Milton’s Director of Community Service to take advantage of available grants and service awards
2024–2025 Parents’ Association
Forms: Click here to download the Event Reimbursement form. Click here to fill out the USPA Event Description form.
Executive Committee:
Sarnia Etienne-Dupie, President
Daniele Serafini, Vice President
Becky Coyne, Boarding Parent Committee Chair
Elsie Sanon, Treasurer
Colleen Woods Heikka, Secretary
Parents’ Association Committees:
These volunteer committees have intermittent responsibilities supporting specific PA activities.
- Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheon Chair: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
- Food Chair: Sarnia Etienne-Dupie
- Décor Chair: Laura De Girolami
- Gift Chair: Autumn Andrade-de León
- Raffle Chair: Colleen Woods Heikka
- Student Activities Chairs:
- Eby-Pineda-Dorcena
- Daniele Serafini
- Spring Fling Chair: Kelly Laurence
- Class Representatives:
- Class I (day) Andrea Brodeur, Lisa Donovan
- Class II (day) Sharon Hackett, Archana Kansagra, Tiffany Yu
- Class III (day) Shikha Malhotra, Julie Steucken
- Class IV Georgia Feldman (day), Sonal Shah (day), Chelsey Remington (boarding), Angie Rohde (boarding)
New Parent Welcoming Committee:
Melissa Lawlor
PIN Representatives:
Heather Smith
The Parents’ Independent School Network (PIN)
As part of the Milton community, all caregivers, faculty and staff are members of the Parents’ Independent School Network (PIN). PIN is a volunteer-run parent organization that facilitates communication, promotes networking, and provides programming on pertinent topics to member schools in the New England area. Additionally, each year member schools can apply for grants or awards to recognize community service performed by their students.
Typically, there are five zoom meetings throughout the year, with guest speakers or heads of school presenting on salient topics.
If you would like to learn more about PIN, please visit their website. The user name is “pinschools” and the password is “PINschools1986”.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer to drive for the community engagement program. Throughout the year, the community engagement program needs driving help to get student volunteers to their service sites. If you have time during the school day, after school, or on a Saturday to drive students to and/or from their destinations, contact Andrea Geyling.