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Milton’s Robotics Team dominated at its first tournament of the 2023–2024 season, with one of its four robots placing first overall and first in skills out of more than 30 competitors. The 17 Milton students who competed at Saturday’s Massachusetts STEM Week VEX Robotics Competition “showed amazing sportsmanship,” celebrating the success of their peers and excitedly planning for their next tournament in November, said Chris Hales, chair of the Computer Science Department and Robotics Team coach. Two Milton’s robots finished sixth and seventh on the skills list. 

Milton robot 1898A finished as tournament champion and skills champion, double-qualifying for the Southern New England Regional Championship and placing 58th on the world skills ranking. Congratulations to the 1898A team and all the Milton students who competed. Pictured are some of the teammates and coaches, including a member who couldn’t make the tournament but joined remotely for the day. 

More than 90 Upper and Middle School students participate in robotics, filling the expanded robotics space in the Art and Media Center with joy, teamwork, and ingenuity every day.