International Student & Family Welcome FAQs
International Student & Family Welcome (ISFW) at a glance
All new international students
Participation Expectation
Students — optional
Parents — optional
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Milton’s definition of an international student?
Our international students may be entering the United States on an F-1 student visa, may be citizens of another country who have lived outside the culture(s) of their parent(s) own passport country for a significant amount of time as a third culture kid. Some may hold joint U.S. citizenship. Many international students provide us with an international home address, while a few list a U.S. address. A handful have attended junior boarding school in the United States.
Q. My child is an international student, but has a lot of familiarity with US culture due to our frequent travel/current schooling. Should they participate in the International Student and Family Welcome and the Transitions?
We encourage all international students to attend ISFW. However, each child’s needs are different: international students who identify as students of color as well as those seeking to understand US culture and context should also attend Transitions.
Q. When can I take my child out to dinner?
ISFW is a day program so families can explore the Boston area for dinner. If international students choose to attend Transitions, once they have moved-in, they may not leave campus, including to have dinner with family or to stay overnight with family. Further, all boarders are required to sleep on campus.
Q. Can I take my child out to dinner during Transitions or New Student Orientation? Can they stay in our hotel room and still participate?
No. To ensure that students have a premier community building and bonding experience, students are not allowed to sign out off campus during orientation.
Q. Does my child have to move out between the end of the Transitions and the beginning of New Student Orientation?
No. New Student Orientation is a residential program for all students. Students choosing to participate in ISFW and Transitions will move directly into their room for the school year.
Q. Which parts of the orientation programs are residential?
The ISFW is non-residential. Only students who travel unaccompanied by a parent/guardian to Milton will be housed during that program. Move in for unaccompanied international students is by appointment only.
Transitions is residential for all participating students.
New Student Orientation, which is mandatory, is residential for all new students.
Q. If I attend the ISFW or Transitions Family Welcome, do I need to return for the New Student and Family Welcome?
No. The parent programming is designed so you do not need to return, however, the New Student & Family Welcome is an opportunity to meet parents of students who do not identify as international or people of color, which may include your child’s roommate, members of their advising group, etc.