The Class IV play, Peter and the Starcatcher, features an ensemble cast, who unravel the back story of Peter Pan and Neverland. The play, directed by performing arts faculty member Eleza Moyer, is a “big production” filled with magic and humor. “It’s a really beautiful script. It’s funny, it’s poignant, full of nostalgia and wit,” Eleza says. “This cast has been doing a great job. We have a phenomenal group this year.”
The Class IV play is a long-standing performing arts tradition involving the entire class. Approximately 30 students will comprise the on-stage cast; students who are not on stage contribute to other parts of the production.
Peter and the Starcatcher begins in King Theatre on Thursday, November 17, and Friday, November 18, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, November 19 at 7 p.m.