Milton students say that one of their favorite activities is watching their friends perform. Whether it’s harmonizing with the Miltones or Octet a capella groups, choreographing for one of the dance concerts, exhibiting self-portraits in Pieh Commons, or playing the title role in Antigone, Milton students are engaged in their art, and art energizes the campus every day.
The foundational work in music, performance and visual arts happens in the classroom, guided by caring and talented faculty. Milton art also extends beyond the classroom walls to many venues both on and off-campus.
Milton arts faculty believe that all students can be artists. They believe art is about personal growth and process, and that creative thinking, self-expression, and encountering the challenges of an art form empower students to be creative and confident in all areas of life.
In Milton’s arts program, students experience intense individual attention and coaching along with exhilarating team experiences. They spend hours with dedicated adults who use a wide range of teaching and directing skills, who bring to bear diverse and respected talents, who set the highest standards for students’ performance, and who honor each student’s contribution.
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