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Coronavirus Update

Milton Academy is developing plans for the 2020–2021 academic year with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate communicating these details to families in late July. All community-wide communications about our fall planning will also be posted to this website.

Follow evolving COVID-19 information via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).

Frequently Asked Questions


How will Milton Academy operate next year (2020–2021)?
We anticipate resuming on-campus classes and activities this coming fall—if permissible under guidance issued at that time by federal, state, and local government and public health officials. We are also planning for how we might need to evolve our program based on multiple COVID-19-related scenarios and possible decisions/guidelines issued by governmental authorities. The health and safety of our students (and by extension, families), faculty, and staff is paramount. Like all schools and businesses, we still have significant work to do to explore and prepare for future COVID-19 scenarios beyond this spring. Our goal is to educate every enrolled student next year, allowing them to progress through, and earn credit for, the Milton Academy academic program. If any remote learning is required, our approach will evolve from this year to next year.


What steps is the School taking to keep coronavirus (COVID-19) from campus?
Milton has taken a number of steps to protect those who remain on campus, including families who live on campus and essential employees who work on campus for specific functions. 

  • We continue to monitor and follow guidance from federal, state, and local public health officials, including ensuring that appropriate social distancing is taking place across our campus. 
  • We have also continued to work to prevent the spread of germs on campus. This includes making arrangements for enhanced protocols for campus cleaning and sanitizing. A deep clean and sanitizing of all campus classrooms, dorms, offices, and common areas was completed as of March 29.
  • We have explored food-service options to accompany the eventual return to on-campus learning and working.
What are steps that I can take to stay healthy?
Practice social distancing as directed by public health officials. Engage in important practices that promote hygiene and help prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty. 
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Put at least six feet of distance between yourself and other people.
  • Stay home when you are sick. 
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. 

It’s also important to exercise self-care. Eat well, get plenty of sleep, go for a run/walk outside, use online exercise resources, try to create a schedule, and find ways to connect with others (text, telephone, video calls, online chat groups, and blogs) while practicing social distancing.


How can I best help Milton Academy during this time?
As Milton Academy upholds its mission during these unprecedented times, we continue to pay employees and maintain other financial commitments that enable delivery of our academic program and services. Contributions to Milton Academy through the Milton Fund are incredibly valuable, providing a meaningful portion of our annual operating budget. Milton Fund donations in April, May, and June will help us meet the changing needs of teaching and learning in this environment. 
How has Milton Academy supported the surrounding community?
Milton Academy has maintained its strong working relationship with the town. To date, the School has made multiple donations in support of the surrounding community, including:

  • Personal protective equipment (goggles/gloves/lab coats/face masks) and hand sanitizer to hospitals and the Milton Department of Health
  • Food to the Milton Food Bank and other local organizations
  • Supplies to the Milton Police Department

In addition, Milton Academy has been in close contact with the town to offer assistance to the emergency management committee in multiple ways. Our outdoor fields and track continue to be recreation areas for the town.

I have access to masks and other items. Should I send those to Milton Academy?
Thank you for your offer. Milton Academy has adequate masks and other supplies for its Health and Counseling Center, mailroom, and Campus Safety officers. Please consider donating directly to Massachusetts hospitals via the COVID-19 Donation Program.


May I visit campus?

Campus buildings are currently closed to all students, employees, alumni, and visitors, except for those employees whose jobs require them to be on campus. We are tentatively targeting a phased reopening of staff offices to begin on Monday, July 6. However, buildings will remain closed to students, alumni, and visitors until further notice and there will be no access to indoor spaces or facilitated campus tours. Many outdoor spaces on campus remain open for personal recreational use and the community is welcome to enjoy them while observing proper social-distancing protocols.

What is open and what is closed on campus?

As all students are currently off campus, all non-essential operations are closed. All major buildings are locked, including academic buildings, dining halls, and the Athletic and Convocation Center and fitness facilities. The turf field and the tennis courts are also closed and no organized activities on fields is permitted. Dorms and on-campus housing are open only to faculty and staff who live on campus. Facilities staff are working on a rotating basis. Campus Safety staff members continue to move throughout the campus and, as always, are available by phone (617-898-2911). 

Can Milton Academy still receive mail?

Yes. While our mailroom continues to receive and process mail and deliveries, we are doing so on a limited schedule to protect staff health and safety. Social distancing protocols are in place. To protect the safety of our staff, we will continue to evaluate hours of operation given local conditions as well as state and local government guidance. 

Please note that items sent by mail may take several days longer than usual to be received given the above circumstance. This includes correspondence to the admissions, business, and development offices.

How has Milton Academy changed its operations in response to COVID-19?

Behind the scenes, we have been addressing the needs of hundreds of faculty and staff to ensure that they can continue to focus on delivering our program. All work schedules and protocols for employees and contractors have been adjusted. We continue to modify these as new circumstances or directives emerge. Most employees have transitioned to a work-from-home model and social distancing is in place. Despite these challenges, we continue to maintain the School’s operations.


Who should families contact with further questions?

After reviewing the detailed FAQs on the student billing website, please reach out to the following individuals if you have any further questions:

  • Enrollment decision questions for 2020–21:
    Dean of Enrollment Paul Rebuck, or 617-898-2232
  • Financial aid questions for 2019–20 or 2020–21:
    Director of Financial Aid Chris Kane, or 617-898-2239
  • Student billing statements / process of enrolling / tuition insurance:
    Business Office Representative Giselle Sharpe, or 617-898-2281
  • Student health insurance:
    Health and Counseling Center Representative Dawn Cruickshank, or 617-898-2450

Milton Health & Counseling Center


COVID-19 Community-Wide Communications

Read messages communicated to the Milton Academy community regarding COVID-19.

June 30, 2020