What do I do when my computer is frozen?
Computers occasionally freeze for many reasons. A simple solution to the problem is often to restart it. If you are unable to restart the computer normally, it is sometimes necessary to hold down the power button until the computer shuts down completely. While using this method to shut down is occasionally necessary, it is not recommended unless nothing else works.
How do I reset or change my password?
To reset your password, visit selfservice.milton.edu. This will reset and change both your network (myMilton) and your Google (email) passwords. We recommend that you use this website to change your password. If you are unable to reset your password through Self-Service, please call the Help Desk. For detailed instructions on password changes, click here.
How can I connect my XBox (or other game console) to the network?
By default students require permission from the Dean’s Office to connect their game consoles, as long as they are in good academic standing. You must submit a device registration request with ATS via this Google Form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwm8MnbTnTtJR_c94yzQ3teO-m20OV83Yme-eSnnAPI80yiA/viewform. In order to complete your request, ATS requires the MAC address of the device you are trying to connect. You can follow instructions here to find the MAC address of common devices, or contact the Help Desk.
How do I connect to my M Drive?
Students: \\netapp1\students$\aname where “aname” is your network (myMilton) username.
Employees: \\netapp1\homeemp$\aname where “aname” is your network (myMilton) username.
If you are not on a Milton computer, you will need to check the box “connect using different credentials.” On the next screen, type “MILTON\” followed by your network (myMilton) username, then your network (myMilton) password.