ATS Email Policy
The Chief Information Officer must approve any exceptions to the policies and procedures discussed herein.
Establishing Gmail Accounts
Milton Academy establishes and hosts email accounts for all students, faculty and staff. The Academy Technology Services (ATS) Department automatically creates email accounts for newly enrolled students prior to the start of the Academic Year.
Student account privileges and capabilities differ depending upon the student’s grade level. Following is a description of account characteristics:
- Upper School Student (Classes I – IV)
- Send and receive email within the Milton domain and over the Internet
- Post/Send messages to Google groups to which they have permissions
- Unlimited storage
- Middle School Student (Grades 6 – 8)
- Send and receive email within the Milton domain and over the Internet
- Post/Send messages to Google groups to which they have permissions
- Unlimited storage
- Lower School Student (Grades 4 – 5)
- Send email to and receive email from the Milton domain
- Post/Send messages to Milton domain Google groups
- Unlimited storage
- Lower School Student Grades (K – 3) have Gmail accounts but email is disabled
Human Resources personnel must contact the ATS Help Desk to request accounts for newly hired faculty and staff. Requests should be submitted via email to the ATS Help Desk ( a minimum of five business days prior to the person’s expected start date. The request must include the following information as it pertains to the new hire:
- Last Name, First Name
- Academic Department/Business Unit
- Google Groups to which the person should have rights to read and/or to post
- Account Expiration Date (if applicable)
Student Account Maintenance and Termination
Graduating Seniors
No later than April 30th each spring, ATS informs graduating seniors that their Gmail account will be converted to an alumni account. The account conversion takes place on the first Monday following commencement. Graduating seniors must forward their alumni account to an account of their choosing immediately following conversion of their accounts. (ATS also recommends that graduates retrieve any important files and content from their accounts at this time.) A Gmail alumni account provides newly graduated seniors with the additional ability to set auto-reply and auto-forward messages. Effective August 15th, recent graduates will no longer be able to login to their accounts, however mail sent to the accounts will still be forwarded (provided the account owner has entered a forwarding address). Alumni accounts are active only until September 15th, after which the contents will be deleted.
Unplanned Student Departures
The Dean’s Office must inform the ATS Help Desk of any unexpected Upper School student departure, i.e., withdrawal, dismissal, etc. The K-8 Principal must inform the ATS Help Desk of any unexpected K-8 students’ departure. Unless explicitly instructed otherwise, ATS immediately alters the password to the student’s Gmail account, rendering the account inaccessible to the student. Upon written request to the Chief Information Officer, ATS will provide the account password to Academy administrators. If not explicitly requested otherwise by the Dean’s Office, ATS terminates the account one week following the student’s departure. When ATS terminates an account, all its contents (messages and files) are permanently deleted.
Special Status Students
ATS maintains email accounts for students in good standing who are off campus for planned or unplanned absences. Examples might include students on leaves of absence, out with family or medical issues, etc. Unless otherwise requested, students’ accounts retain all privileges afforded “active” students.
Faculty Account Maintenance and Termination
Human Resources personnel and/or School Principals must inform the ATS Help Desk of any changes involving faculty. This includes but is not limited to new hires, departures, status changes, etc.
End of Semester Faculty Departures
School Principals must inform the ATS Help Desk of any faculty who will not be returning the following semester or academic year, including retiring faculty. Departing faculty can continue to receive e-mail to their Gmail account for approximately six months following their last active semester, as shown in the following table.
Last Active Semester | Gmail – Auto Forwarding Only* | Gmail Access Expires |
Spring | June 30 | December 31 |
Fall | February 28 | July 31 |
*At this point, faculty can no longer login to their Milton Google account, and they are removed from all Google Groups (mail lists).
Faculty are strongly encouraged to set up mail forwarding prior to departing campus.
Unplanned Faculty Departures
The appropriate Principal must inform the ATS Help Desk of any unexpected faculty departure. Unless explicitly instructed otherwise by the appropriate Principal, ATS immediately alters the password to that faculty member’s email account, rendering the account inaccessible to the faculty member. Upon written request to the Chief Information Officer, ATS will provide the password to the Principal. Unless otherwise instructed, ATS terminates the account thirty days following the faculty member’s departure. When ATS terminates an account, its contents (messages and files) are permanently deleted.
Special Status Faculty Accounts
ATS creates email accounts for special status faculty (i.e., fill-ins for FMLA leave, etc.) only upon receiving a written request from the appropriate Principal. The request should indicate the faculty member’s expected departure date. If not provided, the Principal must inform the ATS Help Desk when this date is known. Unless instructed otherwise in writing, ATS terminates the account on the date indicated in the account setup request. When ATS terminates an account, its contents (messages and files) are permanently deleted.
Faculty Spouses
ATS creates email accounts for faculty spouses only upon receiving a written request from the Upper School Principal. Typically, spouses will only be given accounts if they perform work within the Milton Academy community (i.e., share dorm duties, work on special committees, etc.).
ATS creates email accounts for athletic coaches only upon receiving a written request from the Athletic Director. The request should indicate the activation and termination date for the account. If the termination date is not included, the Athletic Director must inform the ATS Help Desk once this date is known.
Staff Account Maintenance and Termination
Staff Departures
Human Resources must inform the ATS Help Desk of any staff departures. Unless explicitly told otherwise, ATS alters the password to that staff member’s Gmail account, rendering the account inaccessible to the staff member. In the case of voluntary departures, ATS alters the account password as of close of business on the staff member’s last work day. With involuntary departures, ATS alters the account password immediately. Upon written request, ATS will provide the account password to the appropriate business manager. Unless otherwise instructed, ATS terminates the account sixty days following the staff member’s departure. When ATS terminates an account, its contents (messages and files) are permanently deleted.
Temporary Staff
ATS creates email accounts for temporary or contract staff only upon receiving written requests. In both cases, the Human Resources Department and/or the head of the affected business unit must communicate a request in writing to ATS. Included in the request must be the activation and termination date for the account. Unless informed otherwise in writing, ATS terminates the account on the date indicated in the account setup request.