Our Philosophy
Milton’s powerful, experienced, and highly collaborative team of professionals develop relationships with students and help them manage the core work as thoroughly and as thoughtfully as possible.
- Our program involves lots of one-on-one conversations, humor wherever possible, and timely reminders about what is really important in students’ lives.
- Through continuous and accurate communication, we help ground students so that they can be their best, most dynamic selves and do their best work.
- In that scenario, creativity has a chance to thrive.
- Students can develop applications that capture their own power.
We start with the student, and explicitly focus on the whole person.
- Milton students are individuals, and each student has a unique story to tell.
- We welcome each individual and appreciate the approach, attitude and pace that each brings to bear on the college process.
We expect students to take control of the process.
- Our job is to guide, counsel, probe, recommend, refer, suggest and inform. We do not decide, require, command or package.
- Students (not their parents) are responsible for signing up for tests, getting applications out on time, asking teachers for recommendations, and filling out forms.
We adults in students’ lives (parents, counselors, teachers, coaches) should provide an atmosphere that allows students to find their voice.
- The key to building this environment is regular and honest communication between counselors, students and parents.
- We are committed to supporting parents and their role, and at the same time making sure their children are the drivers.
Academic performance is paramount. Tests must be taken, applications completed, deadlines met.
- Nevertheless, fixating on grades, test scores, and ”essential” extra-curriculars at the expense of developing the whole person leaves that person less able to find his or her confidence and true voice.
We use the college essay and the qualitative aspects of applications as the fulcrum for talking through the thorny aspects of identity, helping students find confidence in expressing who they are.
If we are successful, not only will our students stand the best chance of distinguishing themselves, they will also leave us as creative, independent, strong-willed, effective, and generous people.
Over the decades, Milton students have learned through this formative process to listen to their hearts and their heads; they have allowed their insight to guide them.
Milton graduates attend diverse and highly selective colleges across the country. With self-awareness and maturity, they have made matches between themselves and institutions where they can thrive.